Things of Your Day


Senpai Club just did a teaser for their final episode. However gives me a reason to share this.


I scared my roommate because I couldn’t stop laughing at this stupid thing.

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Here is some Monday/Tuesday fodder


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My paralegal studies professor pulled me aside today and told me I need to go to law school. It s a scary but intriguing proposition.


I kinda assumed you were in law school
 I guess you’re not? Where offers paralegal studies that’s not a law school?

Several Virginia community colleges do. I was under the impression that law schools were only concerned with training actual lawyers. Paralegals and legal assistants aren’t held to any legal professional standard. Lawyers can hire anyone they want to do their research or draft documents.

Ancient show ToTD that I remembered just now, the song should not be this infectious.

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Late in the day, but this gave me a chuckle:

“Saudi Arabia’s under-secretary for curricula has been fired and exiled to Dagobah after an official Saudi social studies textbook included a photo of Jedi Master Yoda. In the photo, Yoda can be seen sitting next to Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal at the 1945 ceremony that created the United Nations. The textbook page began circulating on social media last week.”

The irony is that Obi Wan/Sir Alec Guinness played Prince/King Faisal in the movie.


This is why I love EVE in concept though not in actual play. You are free to do whatever you want if the game rules allow it. Subterfuge, diplomacy, social engineering, clashes of industrial might are all fascinating to read about. It’s a shame that to get to that level of play you need to sink so much time into it, more than any other MMO I know of.

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The only problem is that a lot of it is done with alt accounts. That’s boring as fuck. There are no consequences for the spy in-game.

It would be a lot more interesting if humans were (to a degree) limited to single accounts. Wanna spy? Succeed? You’re still playing the same James Bond after it was successful, with all the baggage that comes with that.


See I see it like sending a spy robot or android in a world where such things can blend in. The Empire didn’t send Darth Vader to go trapsing around on planets to look for the rebels they sent a disposable droid.

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I’d like to see that encoded in the game. It allows an in-world resource cycle around espionage.

Spy-droids and throwaway agents/assets would cost something other than human time, and more importantly, they could leave trails to be investigated/explored. Figuring out who made the vat clone on the remote clone planet that infiltrated the base six months later would be awesome. Digging through a “character’s” backstory and figuring out that it doesn’t line up with actual events. That kind of thing.


I always wanted this type of espionage system in the Civilization games. Civ IV (I think) had espionage, but I never really used it, and it seemed poorly implemented.

Civ V’s espionage is pretty good. Civ VI’s is super fun.

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