The New Forum beta test - complaints and suggestions

I’m confused, how are trust levels determined? I read the link and some of the other links on that page and still don’t get it. Is it actually obtuse and confusing or am I just stupid?

You clearly didn’t read all the words. The thread I link clearly explains everything.

It is also obtuse and stupid. Just ignore it.

The only way it explains how users change their trust level is by admin intervention, but clearly there’s also something automatic that I cannot find in the thread. It clearly outlines what each level can and can’t do, but doesn’t explain how those levels change.

You do not need to visit any other links besides the one I have linked. 100% of the information is there. Read every single word on that page. Continue scrolling and reading every single word until there are no more words.

I have Chrome and uBlock Origin and I can access all things.

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Maybe it’s just me but I think the suggested links are a bit tacky.

I agree. I previously thought they couldn’t be removed. Thanks to your comment I checked and I found out that they can be, so they have been eliminated.

Really really like the “Like” button, now I can show I approve the message without saying anything. :-p


I wasn’t into the like button. Now that you tell me it will shut you up, maybe I’ll come around on it. :wink:


I’m back in business baby!


Just tried the new forum on mobile for the first time, smooth! A better experience than the old Vanilla forum thus far.

It seems that images from linked Tweets don’t embed. I tried doing that just now in TotD, only to have to remove the Tweet and embed the image on its own.

There aren’t enough threads here to the point where we need to use the search. However, I can confirm the search is great! Haha!

Two things: the “forum” link on the home page still goes to the old forum, and having CTRL+F go to the site search is annoying.

EDIT: Also add 3DS friend code as a profile field please.

Honestly, I’m torn between suggesting a list of IDs, or just having a general field for service IDs. Considering that between all of us, I’m pretty sure there’s users of almost every gaming service going.

I think having the latter is the better idea.

Yeah them hijacking CTRL+F is kinda weird. But I don’t often search that way on the forum.

So I finally looked at the desktop view and I still sort of have an issue with the way that it highlights new content for a thread in a similar way to Vanilla where it tries to bold the title, but it’s not a strong bold. So it’s kinda hard to see. Sometimes it will show you the blue circle but I haven’t really figured out when that happens.

EDIT: Oh it seems to wait until you “follow” something which happens automatically when you reply to something… that’s kinda an interesting idea.

I also don’t like the ctrl+f hijacking. I haven’t found a way to disable that yet, if any.

I did change the links on to come here instead of the old forum. Redesigning that site is my next move.

I understand the CMD-F highjacking though. The page dynamically loads, so individual posts in the thread you are looking at may or may not be loaded when you want to search. To get the same functionality you’d have to scroll through the entire thread, top to bottom, just to make sure everything is loaded, and THEN try to search the normal way.

Yeah that’s definitely true, I also like not having to deal with pages.

One thing I can’t really figure out is if there is any automated quoting anymore. I’ve seen it in some comments but I can’t really figure it out for myself.

EDIT: Derp… figured it out by accident. It recognizes when you highlight text. That might be a bit tougher on mobile.