I supposed we haven’t done a show on it, but we’ve certainly seen it many times.
Ngl, this movie is one of my favorites. On a related note, and if you’re unaware, Cybertronic Spree is a band and they are fucking awesome live. Only seen them at cons, when I felt safe going to those, tho. They’re like a mashup of GWAR, transformers, and bar band haha
Easter eggs
Everything Everywhere all at Once
Land of the Lustrous
I think you guys would love both of these.
I’d also add Severance but doubt Scott would watch it?
A very short book club on A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers.
Save games, memory cards, save states, save scumming. Saving.
Good show idea!
I’d like to hear Rym talk about selling software. He’s always nibbling around the edges “oh day job I’m a product manager I sell blah blablah”
Local multiplayer games
Cosplay and props.
Have y’all done a show on cassettes as a storage medium? I know a lot of people just think of them as storing audio, but computer games used to be stored on them, Mattel (I think?) made a video camera for kids that used audio cassettes as a visual medium storage.
Basically, as a non CS person I’d like to hear the filter of these things through y’all’s knowledge base. I’m not old enough to have ever used a computer that used cassettes. The ones in school used 3.5” floppy disks, and at home my dad had a Jaz drive for bringing work home. Never had a chance to use cassettes for storage other than mixtaping from the radio lol
All of my early gaming was loaded via cassette tapes. Also all of my earliest coding in Basic was saved onto cassette tapes. Mostly ZX Spectrum and Amstrad 464, with my first floppy disk computer an Amiga 500. So many memories! Not sure I’ve much to say about it myself though.
Tbh the first exposure to cassettes as non audio storage was reading a nonfiction history on Deus Ex a few years ago. Embarrassingly, I had no idea ZX and Amiga used those until reading that book. Granted I never had a real reason for knowing that, but still!
Tape is still some of the best long-term storage you can get.
I remember those cameras that used cassette tapes from when a neighbor family had one and we were playing around with it while jumping our bikes and skateboards. It felt super cool to have such a small camcorder and that we could use such inexpensive recording media.
The 8-bit guy made a good video about the camcorder that used cassette tapes:
I never knew about these! All the ones I saw used VHS, Beta, etc.
Got a show idea might have been done already.
Why do people quit playing video games?
Some points you all could cover.
Games are no longer fun. Expanding on that with games all feel the same so that person is burned out on playing them.
People who feel they have grown out of playing videogames. Them having no time in their life to play because their adult lives do not allow them to continue playing games.
Do you have friends who no longer play videogames. Do you ever see yourself no longer playing videogames.