Rick & Morty


Yayy its coming… its coming sooon.

I really enjoyed the season opener.

Episode 1, LOL.

I don’t know what I’m enjoying more. The new season, or the raging “fans” of the new season angry about some of the positive themes and de-lionization of Rick.


Clearly, sjws got to this show and ruined yet another Real Man by doing things like “Having consequences to his actions” and “Having people remember his raging psychopathy”.

I wonder, adjacent to nothing, how many fash-adjacent keyboards were smashed over the premier, given how popular Rick is among some of the more toxic men in the world.


I’ve enjoyed it enough to resub to television for a bit. My only disappointment is there isn’t more.

Also for a minute or so I wondered if they had set up the stream to personally mention the subscriber if possible during the private pooper episode…

I love how this episode makes at least twice in 5 episodes someone gets shit on for being a nazi.


Justin Roiland has a new series coming to Hulu called Solar Opposites…and it looks like he just copy-pasted this show.


Doesn’t he still owe adult swim like 70 episodes of Rick and/or Morty?

This show was in development before AS made that massive order.
Solar Opposites was pitched to Fox in 2015, then Hulu picked it up 3 years later.

Lone Rick and Cub



Season 4B starts tonight at 11:30.

This episode ∞(Meta∞)ᵐᵉᵗᵃ



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