Random Comments

That is valid. I had hoped that by being on a bit of a niche subreddit I’d dodge the stupid but I was wrong it seems.

[quote=“Amp, post:193, topic:281, full:true”]
That is valid. I had hoped that by being on a bit of a niche subreddit I’d dodge the stupid but I was wrong it seems.
[/quote]The stupid is all throughout reddit. Even in the niche and mostly-good subs - Like for example, one of my favorite lefty subs, Gamerghazi, was happy to participate in smearing Joy-Ann Reid, but had literally nothing to say about Chapo Trap House(A super popular “True” left/Bernie supporter/Rosetwitter podcast right now) host Felix mocking a rape survivor, and when called out, making a CYA pseudo-apology to the CTH subreddit, but not the person he mocked.

And this is meant to be a very left-wing sub, who would normally be up someone’s arse with a rocket for mocking a rape survivor, but because he’s one of “Ours”(at least to the Bernie/Rose/True crowd) and did a little apology panto to cover our consciences so we can continue listening guilt-free, he gets away with it, nary a word spoken.

How I imagine GeekNights going from from lectures to lessons.


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To be fair I’m certain we both have issues this this bubble echo chambers that are springing up on all sides at the moment. I have seen groups of my friends just gloss over issues that they had lambasted their hated opposition for. And of course if you bring it up your the arsehole.

I think with reddit it is so hit and miss. With them being niche there is the bubble mentality. r/tankporn is pretty chill and just cares about tanks. But r/EDC, boy you had better not question why an IT tech needs to have three pen knifes, a hand gun, a back up hand gun and a can of mace. Its very heavy on the old 2nd front. Its so hard to tell without getting in on them. Hell half the time you will get a straighter answer from the pit that is r/japancirclejerk then you would from r/japan. In summation people are dicks no matter where.

In this case I think it was some butthurt weeb. Did piss him off when he tried to PM me about how I didn’t understand the sanctity of Japan and I informed him I bloody well live there.

Edit; I also called him a knob goblin and a bum ferret. He has not replied. The former is a creature that lives under foreskin and the latter is a type of multi legged rodent that lives in the arses of particularly grimy individuals for those wondering on the entomology of English swears.

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All that drama aside, who was getting fluffed on the beaches?


Well it was some boggling MS paint picture of Yukari in a swim suit. The plum even bad a parody song about how she was going to fluff all the other teams. I mean the characters nickname is Fluff because of her hair. But I mean come on.

@Deadname Dam I took a 50/50 gamble and lost there.

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Been listening to the Doom (2016) soundtrack a lot lately.


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Just got home to see the crappo alumni magazine from RIT in my mailbox. Apparently the new president has started work. Surprise! It’s another old white guy!

Makes me proud of the folks my alma mater has hired as its presidents since I was there. In order:

  • Vartan Gregorian (okay, old white guy, but at least an Armenian immigrant)
  • Gordon Gee (old white guy, but no one really liked him and he bailed as a result)
  • Sheila Blumstein (temporary president until a new one could be found, old Jewish woman)
  • Ruth Simmons (old African-American woman, considered best college president in the country during her tenure)
  • Christina Paxson (not quite as old white woman)

"This doesn’t make sense, it was working yesterday, so why is it working today? "

Not sure why in the US the confederates are looked upon with anything but disgust, why are there parades and dress ups for what is the equivalent of a Nazi faction.

I’m trying to imagine Nazi vs Allies reenactments and Nazi songs and Nazi flags and stickers on peoples cars.

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It’s the failure to adequately punish the actions immediately after the catastrophe. After WWII, every major Nazi the Allies could find was publicly executed. This included those who worked directly to advance the Holocaust like Goring to those who had no direct association with the Final Solution like Ribbentrop. Stalin knew that if Nazism wasn’t burned to the ground it would rise again. The rearrangement of Germany after the war furthered the dismantling of the forces that brought Nazis to power. That’s why Prussia, the most powerful German state for centuries, no longer exists. They had been the stronghold of political support for Nazism in the Wiemar Republic, and Churchill was steadfast on destroying that. After the Civil War, on the other hand, no Confederates were so much as given life in prison. The few restrictions on former Confederates were rolled back by the Amnesty Act of 1872. The Executive Branch largely worked to restore the antebellum structure rather than install a more just system. Why? Because after WWII, Germany was rebuilt by the people they’d attacked. After the Civil War, the South was rebuilt by a rich white man from North Carolina.

Furthermore, the resistance to military occupation after the war in Germany was minute compared to what occupying soldiers faced during Reconstruction (proportionately at least). While there were hold outs against the Allied forces, they never posed a significant threat. Military occupation ended because the mission was over and the threat had been suppressed (well… it was extended because of Cold War politics but that’s neither here nor there). Military occupation of the South was the exact opposite. Resistance was so strong that the occupation ended in 1877 after southern leaders called for a mob to sack the Capitol if they weren’t granted the Presidency (which they weren’t, but on the condition that Federal troops would be removed from the area). The Union victory in 1865 seemed decisive, but by 1877 it was clear that it was Pyrrhic.

In the popular Union marching song “John Brown’s Body” they chant “We’ll hang Jeff Davis from a sour apple tree!” and we fucking should have.

EDIT: I should also point out that there are Waffen-SS reenactors in Germany and Austria, but they’re very difficult to find as it is illegal.


Great summary, better than I could scrounge out of Wikipedia during my lunch break.

I cut most of my beard off a couple of weeks ago and now my students don’t recognise me.

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I’m trying out QuteBrowser for the first time. It’s a graphical browser with vim-like keybindings. Pretty cool.

I’ll be going to Bunker Hill Community College in September to study History.


Sometimes I dream of Laputa and the civilisation that gave up power, forsaking their culture and reverting to more primitive technology to preserve life and sustain peace.

Or maybe that’s just the ones who stayed. There may have been other whom continued to advance, abandoning the planet to travel the universe.

I wonder where they’d go and what they’ll discover.

Then I wake up and think about the possibility of life genesis not having occurred on Earth, but elsewhere in the galaxy/ local group. Bacteria surviving on asteroids that may have just crash landed on Earth at the right time.

I think about what we could learn once we’ve fully decoded our genome; and what our potential intergalactic ancestors may look like.



I sometimes think about advanced aliens putting the bacteria on asteroids and aiming them at Earth.