
I might pick this game back up after lapsing a bit due to other things, mainly MTG. Still need to try Orisa. Also just saw that Ana got nerfed into the ground on PTR. Meanwhile Junkrat no longer blows himself up.

I play Sombra a lot and it is kind of hit or miss. I do think a lot of the hate is just because she doesn’t have a ton of directly offensive abilities so you don’t get an ult that just goes “boom, kill everybody.” Plus, what they might not realize is due to the high fire rate and capacity her gun is one of the most powerful ones if used correctly. Hacking people individually can be tricky and might just get you killed, but using her ult to hack a D.va or other Tank can make them a lot easier to take down along with the rest of the group. Plus, it’s always nice to hack as many health packs near the enemy team as possible.

Ana just took a big hit on the PTR, though that was to be expected as her grenade was the most OP weapon in the game. This was because it had 4 separate effects that were pretty much good enough to be a stand alone ability in their own right. They’re likely going to struggle to balance it, knocking it back and forth between being OP at one thing and UP at another. What I think they should do is remove some of these abilities and make it entirely defensive (ally burst healing) or entirely offensive (enemy damage and heal prevention).

[quote=“ninjarabbi, post:163, topic:291”]
Plus, it’s always nice to hack as many health packs near the enemy team as possible.
[/quote]I’ll have more to say later, but instead of taking the packs closest to the enemy, try hacking the ones that are between your team and the enemy, or slightly closer to your team. Teammates picking up your hacked healthpacks gives you a pretty fair whack of ult charge, allowing you do drop that big EMP more often. And try not to forget to drop a pinger right before you dive in to drop your ult - once it pops, you become a very high priority target, and you’ll need that escape. Drop your ult and immediately teleport out, or you’re toast, because nine times out of ten, you’re dropping that ult in an area where you’re outnumbered and heavily outgunned.

Also, learn to prioritize targets for hacking - more often than not, it’s not the healer you want, because your hack only disrupts Zen’s healing and Ana’s biotic grenade, and is almost entirely useless on Lucio. Go for enemies where their abilities form the core of their play - a genji without dragonstrike and reflect is an easy target, a rein without a shield or charge is little more than a big, slow target and a reaper without his wraith form or teleport becomes a very fragile ghosty indeed. And don’t forget, you can interrupt many ults(like High Noon or Pharah’s barrage), or at least take a lot of the teeth out of them(Primal rage and Genji’s Dragonblade).

Oh I do, I generally hack any I come across really. I just like to deny them the health if possible. And you’re right I do need to remember to use the pinger. I tend to kind of suicide bomb the EMP, and I kind of forget I have the pinger in battle when I’m not trying to get somewhere quickly. It definitely is handy to drop it at a hacked health pack though.

[quote=“ninjarabbi, post:166, topic:291, full:true”]
Oh I do, I generally hack any I come across really. I just like to deny them the health if possible. And you’re right I do need to remember to use the pinger. I tend to kind of suicide bomb the EMP, and I kind of forget I have the pinger in battle when I’m not trying to get somewhere quickly. It definitely is handy to drop it at a hacked health pack though.
[/quote]I even lob it out mid-fight, sometimes. That extra little bit of time when they’re trying to re-acquire you can provide enough opportunity to cloak and tear arse out of a bad situation, and if not, I figure I’m dead anyway, so I might as well chance it.

And sometimes, you can even trick the clever ones - sometimes, if you toss your pinger mid-fight, they’ll back off a little, re-focus to try to get you at the other end of your jump, and while they’re trying to catch you on the hop, you can cloak and run in the other direction.

I finally broke down on getting the game after the new character’s trailer came out and it is running surprisingly fast on my old computer which is good…

I played a couple of games during the initial beta and am looking up information about how best to play each hero so I can find my niche.

[quote=“ScoJoHarr, post:168, topic:291”]
I played a couple of games during the initial beta and am looking up information about how best to play each hero so I can find my niche.
[/quote]If you want to try out heroes in a live fire game, but one that isn’t too much pressure, try the Vs AI modes. They’re not a patch on real multiplayer, but it can give you a feel for each hero better than the test range.

Just go to quick play straight away. It’s best to have played a number of games with real people and work out how your character can be exploited and how to exploit other characters.
Playing against bots doesn’t help you at all except possible for head shots but then again what happens when you go against opponents who know how to duck.

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Yeah, probably a good idea to take my advice with a grain of salt, because I’m almost literally the worst overwatch player here. And in most places, but here in particular. Even Apreche’s stats are better than mine.

The latest tweaks are interesting.
Zen being able to discord through barriers is nice, it makes him more viable at choke points and team formations.
I like playing Junkrat but I feel like no self damage is a bit too much. It will likely completely change how I play him since I can survive jumping into the fray, throwing a grenade or 2, and mine jumping away.

The other things are normal balance tweaks which may be a little more extreme than I would like but are in the right directions. I wonder why Blizzard seems so intent on large, heavy handed adjustments.

I have played a few games given peoples advise here, Found out I really like Junkrat (The no self damage helps a lot.) and McCree so far…did some mercy but I wasn’t sure if I was healing the wrong people or just playing with bad people who didn’t know how to get to the first checkpoint. Also Roadhog but I believe I was just playing too far away to do enough damage.

Zen shooting discords through barriers was on the PBE and were rolled back along with the proposed nerf to Ana’s normal damage and self heal on the grenade.

Zen being able to disregard barriers would make dive comps over powered. e.g. Discord a target through anyone’s barrier have a Winston, dive in (his gun gets past barriers), kills them because they’re discorded and a back liner and jumps out in half the time it takes you to do that now. Add a Genji and Tracer, do it on cool down and then you wonder what the purpose of the Reinhardt or other shield bearer ever was.

That makes sense. I didn’t actually play with it so I guess I was envisioning it hitting the Rein or whatever most of the time, but clearly you’d be trying to get a healer or something.
Just the rifle tweak on Ana seems fair. That takes her from 3 shots to 4 to kill a 200 HP hero and might keep her more support focused.

More advice - check your settings, if you haven’t already. There’s a whole bunch of extra stuff in there that’s hero specific, and can really help to tweak - like beam toggle and glide target defaults for mercy, toggle zoom for widow and ana, a bunch of targeting sensitivity options, auto-wall climb, etc.

I jumped into competitive play and got ranked 1800 after going 4-6. Promptly dropped straight down to 1500 afterwards and now I’m rated 1700-ish. Goal is to get to plat by the end of the season which seems do-able. Would love to play with people from this forum.

Anyone else here having network issues with it? I was sometimes getting really high ping but I fixed that buy switching to a dedicated wifi adapter instead of running an ethernet cable from my router which is fed by another pc connected to my apartment wifi, so that was on my end. But I still get occasional Battle.net disconnects even when my internet is being fine. It’ll ask for my login but if I just restart the game it’s fine (although I did recently rejoin a game that I was doing well in and lose all my kills :confused: ). Checked the Overwatch forums and I’m not the only one, but there was also plenty of hate on the people with those issues blaming it on them and hating on them for playing competitive despite it really seeming like a Battle.net issue and not a personal internet issue.

I have incredibly trash Internet and not having these issues.
The only ties I’ve experienced something similar is when an update has been released and I’m still playing.

Try doing a trace route and determine if it si correct.

I can see it from the point of view of the team that has the leaver because the majority will tilt and give up or leave themselves.

I have played a few more hours (3 by the in game timers.) up to Level 10. Managed to get two plays of the game in a row with Junkrat and realised the best support for my play style (sticking with the group, moving around, firing randomly at enemies I see) is Lucio which is quite well with a few random Divas and Rheinhardts I have seen.

Checking the hero specific stuff helped too the wall run backwards being enabled is useful while escaping high noons.

If you’re playing Sombra, you need to be the person that knows at any given moment which opponent has ult and is even thinking about using it. Haven’t seen the DVa blast in a while and she’s charging into your death ball? Hack. You’re in a deathball and Zarya hasn’t ulted for a while? Hack. You see an unprotected Zen, he probably has ult and you want to enable your team’s ults? Oh yeah hack and kill. Mercy flying in for the 5-man overtime rez? HAHAHA T_T

I’ve been unfortunate enough to play against a handful of good Sombras, and this is the one truth: they know exactly when to hack someone. They don’t run around like pre-patch Symmetras that would put clustered turrets in uncontested areas, hacking healthpacks that aren’t really being used. They are hacking the healthpacks that matter, hacking the heroes that matter when it matters, and changing the game.

That is WAY more micromanaging than I am currently capable of, honestly. But I’m anticipating seeing more of her in the upcoming Shield-Watch. I beg you: if you’re going to be Sombra, take the pre-patch Symmetra lessons to heart, and don’t be the confrontation-shy hero that spends the round touring the uninhabited parts of the map. Don’t just be an annoying mosquito. Be a scalpel.

Also if you’re playing Junkrat, the enemy Zarya thanks you for the charge, with very few exceptions. Take it from a Zarya & Junkrat main.