
Went 10-0 in placements this time around. I feel like finally having a decent framerate/resolution made a big difference. Pharah changes on the way too…

Uh oh. I haven’t even looked at the upcoming changes.

I never play Symmetra now. I’m 90% D.Va, Rein, Zarya, Moira, Lucio, Pharah in roughly that order.

I’ll play anything with silvers, but if I’m trying hard, I stick to the list.

I should note that I’m a passable silver Genji now, but I can’t for the life of me master that Hamster.

Really? I haven’t played much with him, but he felt quite natural to me - but then again, he fits my playstyle well, much like I played Sombra - break away, sneak through, and then hit and fade.

Learning some patience has really improved my monkey game. I hate dealing with the new Symm turrents though. Between the slowdown and the half-second it now takes to kill one, hopping into them and an enemy or two is a real problem.

You watch fitzyhere? he’s a sombra (and some hamster) streamer with a chill channel.


Never heard of him, but I’ll check him out. Thanks for the reccomendation!

The new Moira skin is so up my alley it hurts. :smiley:

Does the overwatch community have something against tank/healer mains? I’m getting that presumption.

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When someone doesn’t want to heal and I offer to switch from shield tank to healer, it’s usually accepted.

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Finally reached Rank 25 and can do comp. but I’m scared to enter. :T

I like comp better than quick play because there are fewer trolls and more people who are willing to coordinate on mic. I never really developed FPS instincts, so I need more help than most planning things out. Give it a shot, try your best, talk when people are willing to communicate, and ignore the jerks. That’s the best advice I can offer.

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1-3 in my solo queue competitive ranking matches so far.

It’s as bad as I expected. But what I didn’t really expect is how consistent the way in which it’s bad is. One thing happens in every single match. Every single one.

There is a group of two (sometimes three) that joins. It almost always has one reasonably good player and one clearly new player. They never join voice chat, never type in team chat, ignore team comp, and are basically useless.

This happens in literally every single game in solo queue comp. I can call all day in team voice to the rest of the team, but these two will keep getting flanked, ulted, etc…

The duo will reliably trickle together into lost battles without waiting for the team. They’ll be ineffective to the point that I won’t even see either of them for minutes at a time.

And, when the match finally ends, they leave immediately before voting.

I’m committed to the remaining 6 matches solo. This madness is my white whale.


My friend and I ran into a more useless run of teams last night as well. My friend theorizes that the last few nights of the season are the worst time to play.

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Both first week (people trying to get a high rank before competition) and last week (Benny Hill week) are the worst weeks of comp.


I just want to play “competitive style” without too much fretting over scores and what-not. I similarly feel like there’s good times and bad times for this. If for some reason I’m off on a weekday, those mornings are just so much more relaxed, in my experience.


I’d love to see them make quickpkay with comp rules mode.

Hey @SkeleRym, if you’re ever really bored and want some easy youtube views then do a livestream of you opening every single loot box.


It looks like a Mercy Skin than a new character. ( I mean Echo not Ashe)