
I’ve played a few competitive deathmatch games as Winston; he’s not that great at deathmatch and mediocre vs the meta, but doing well with him is a pretty good challenge.

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I play the meta hard. Lots of Brigitte or Symmetra if I’m playing against silvers.

The pool of players isn’t big enough for ranking to be effective though. My points have been extremely swingy. I’m currently silver there, dipping in and out of gold.

I’ve made it to Platinum in comp DM, still playing only as Winston. I’m not sure if I can maintain that rank, but I’m doing pretty well most of the time. I do best in games where people mostly have close-to-even skill levels, since it’s hard to rack up kills as quickly as characters with greater range and/or damage.

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Can guarantee you this will be a taunt of his.

Symmetra <3


I played a game that went into round 4 and got 13:15 objective time XD

So, Wrecking Ball. Discuss.

I feel like triple dive tank is going to be pretty strong right now. Hammond is also going to be the #1 tank when it comes to chasing and finishing squishies; unlike D.Va and Winston who have to wait for a cooldown to chase further after jetting/leaping in his ball is always available. His damage output is actually pretty ridiculous, too, given the relatively low spread.

Feels to me like he’s going to be meta-defining, y’all.

This is purely an emotional reaction but I hate him for all the jokes saying he’s “better D.Va” simply because D.Va is my favorite hero both to play and as a character. Unemotionally, he’s got interesting powers, and can be pretty formidable but he is hard countered by Mei. We learned this last night when one of my friends who has been playing Wrecking Ball a lot was basically stopped dead by the enemy Mei after tearing it up most of the match and had to switch.

I bet they increase his spread, decrease his ammo, or reduce his damage. That gun is basically better than 76 at being Anti-Aircraft (i.e., Anti-Pharah).

I hate the noises he makes when damaged.

I finally tried out Overwatch (didn’t have the PC for the other free weekends). I generally don’t like PVP but I’m having a lot of fun! Favorite heroes thus far are Brigitte, Zarya, and Reinhardt. But that’s not surprising because I love paladins and support in multiplayer games. Once I have some extra money I’ll think about getting a copy, Whenever I finish paying my medical bills. e__e

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Watch for it to be on sale. You can get the GOTY edition cheap since they’ve put out a newer version with more cosmetics.

I’ve not been playing for a while, but I could if given a good excuse.

We should definitely start playing again. I still play regularly, but almost entirely competitive deathmatch (when it was going) and mystery.

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I got my first POTG and now I understand everything. Tried out Moira and instantly fell in love with her play style.

While I mostly have been playing mystery, I still main:

  1. D.Va
  2. Reinhardt

My best hero is definitely still Mercy, I go back to healing as her when I don’t feel like I’m doing well as shield tank, but I also feel semi confident playing Moira, and I’m trying to get better at playing Orisa and Reinhardt. I also enjoy playing Brigitte, but I don’t have the opportunity to do so too often, as if I’m playing support, I’m usually the main healer.

I played a lot of Brigitte in Competitive Deathmatch.

She can solo any hero except Roadhog trivially. Mei or Pharah can occasionally get away or get the jump on her.

The only trouble is that this is only really guaranteed in Deathmatch where no one will protect anyone else (for obvious reasons). I made the mistake a few times of playing her as a flanker out of habit, which only seems to work on wood tiers.

But now, I actually play her similarly to how I played old Symmetra. Hanging slightly back of the front line, assisting as-needed, and rushing into the mob whenever we have momentum or get them clustered. I like playing her.
