
I used to hook Pharahs reasonably well back when Roadhog was a useful hero…

'Member when Pharahs ran out of fuel?


those were the days.

I never see any of you kids on anymore. I’m relegated to solo-queueing every day.

6v6 Lockout Elimination is super crazy fun!

Been traveling for work for the past few months and the weather is nice.

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Yeah, with the time difference you are usually playing when I’m having meals or I am out and about. Otherwise I would’ve joined yesterday.

Pkerr was playing games on their PC for a while & I got out of the habit. I want to get back in, but also… probably should focus on other things.

Black One Punch Man is out

Someone needs to make an AMV with the One Punch Man theme

So instead of making an arcade mode where you could actually learn how to play as/against doomfist, Blizzard decided to ruin quickplay for a week.

The Game Browser is full of 6v6 Doomfist

Return to the cursed lands with me. I have played among the laity, and found them wanting.

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First day back from Texas, and I’m greeted with these beautiful changes.

Grinding out the placement matches for ranked. I’m not sure if the only remaining players are pro genjis and paint chip consumers or what.

Sometimes the stars align and you get teams that click.

Edit, fixed version that actually works

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I played a bit in the PTR last night, team death match is pretty fun. The games are over quickly if you’re getting crushed, but are long enough to pull off an ult or 2 in a good match.

Orisa feels better and Junkrat is much more viable and fun. Roadhog is once again viable on his own / flanking.

I missed Lucioball last time, I like playing Lucio, I like Rocket League, I don’t like Lucioball. On top of that it replaced 2 arcade modes I do like.

Bow to the Boy and you’ll always go far.


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Eh, to honor punch kid you gotta punch it in.


I’ve been watching some of the Overwatch World Cup but it seems like this game is going to struggle to gain traction with a crowd that doesn’t play Overwatch or at least play games. The game’s pace is too fast and hectic for someone who doesn’t play the game to appreciate what’s going on or the nuance of an amazing move.

MOBAs and RTS seem to make more sense just because of the camera POV and the build from early laning / base building to team fighting / big battles. It’s also not as straight forward and relatable as Rocket League.

We’ll see how it goes though.

A point in favor of having city-based teams for the Overwatch League is that I already hate the Boston team, because it’s
a) Boston, and
b) Owned by Robert Kraft.

I don’t know if I’ll root for SF though; the team that got SF is one with a history of having lots of fans and disappointing them repeatedly.

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