
Oh shit, it’s Doomfist!



Fuuuuuck he punches through shields.

Between him and Orisa, Reinhardt is going to have a bad time.

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Doomfist’s Ultimate sounds like Thor’s 4th ability in SMITE.

Ooh, he has shoryuken.

[quote=“Starfox, post:537, topic:291, full:true”]
Ooh, he has shoryuken.
[/quote]If you combo it with his standard alt-fire attack, it’s got some CRAZY knockback. At least as strong as solid point-blank primal rage hit, except in the air, so more hang time and a longer arc.

He looks like he would smash Dva and Reinhardt and combo with Zarya who will likely come back into the meta for the combo.
Kind of silly for Blizzard to remove the core identity of Roadhog (punish poor positioning) because some low tier players were crying on their boards, they release Doomfist who can one shot with just holding down and release right click, don’t even need to aim or execute a combo.

He will get destroyed in skill matches with Genji, Tracer, Soldier, Mcree and Pharah. Seems like a really high skillcap champion.
Not sure how it will go between Winston and him though.

Watching some of the play online, Doomfist seems to have hard times against tanks like Dva and Winston. He only has 250 health so he’s not going to outlast a tank. This looks more like a flanking character picking off lower HP targets.

Bastion can gun down a Doomfist pretty easily, if Doom walks in front of Bastion.

I don’t think anyone’s strategy is stand in front of bastion. Maybe deflecting gengi for all of a second.

Bastion used to be used for choke control or area denial. But those days are long gone.

Bastion is highly effective as an ambush.


Finally back in gold! Fuck mid-silver, never again.

Yeah. Let’s group our ranking matches next season. I never want to experience this again for as long as I shall live.

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The farmer’s almanac uses this quote to reliably foretell the changing of the seasons.

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I’m not for or opposed, but for me it’s either full team vs full team or solo queue. None of this mix and match.

I have the most fun doing competitive with 3-4 person teams. If you 6-stack, you are up against 6-stacks. It’s rare you have 6 friends who are all A game, and your one B friend is the difference between a good game and disaster.

Full disclosure: I’ve been that B friend in some games.

Me: We have three DPS and no hitscan, plus they’ll probably run pharah on this map.

Mei: I’ve got hitscan.


The discourse:

Platinum Tier: “Are you sure you can Widow? If you don’t get a pick in the first minute, please switch out.”
Gold Tier: “Can one of our DPS switch to Soldier? We need to take care of that Pharah”
Silver Tier: “We don’t need Torb and Widow on offense…”
Wood Tier: -indecipherable screaming-

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Pretty much yeah. My games got way less stressful as I climbed. Never been high enough to tell for sure, but I suspect there’s at least some kind of bell curve. Mid plat people tend to be “happy enough to be plat”. I think as you get higher there’s a lot more rage about not yet being diamond and so on.

I do have to say, in my hey-mei-day, I was headshot-ing pharahs and widows. And then, freezing them over pits and such when the fuel ran low. BAHAHA

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I’ve seen plenty of Mei’s outdo soldiers at killing Pharah, but alas this was not one of those Mei’s.