

Yesterday was rough at first. My first 5 games or so were full of people already angry and unwilling to try to work together. Later in the evening it got better. Played DVA a bit as I was getting annoyed not with what reaper was doing to me but with what he was doing to my team.

New Reaper is like old Reaper, except for Roadhog. DPS shouldn’t be engaging him in close quarters and should wreck him with headshots, his head is pretty easy to target in most skins. Also he’s slow as hell so good movement by Tracer and Genji should wreck him. However when playing with randoms, just at him down with Dva.

I love the new map.

I don’t know what’s weirder to see in silvers (not on a team): a plat medal or a plat and gold border.

Diamonds with a 40% win rate that only play Hanzo.

I just don’t get how you can play a game for over 1900 hours and still not be very good at it.

[quote=“Ikatono, post:519, topic:291, full:true”]
I just don’t get how you can play a game for over 1900 hours and still not be very good at it.
[/quote]That is the experience most people have with most things.

I’ve got about 1000 hours into counterstrike between source and global offensive and I’m still garbage at it.

And that’s what makes fighting games so infuriating. In team game you can get lucky wins through your team and you have someone else to blame when you lose. In 1v1 game you see much more directly how much you suck even after all the time you spend if you fail to get better.

This is why I love broodwar. I played that at 9 years old and was a D on ICCup. I worked and worked and five or six years later B+. Then starcraft 2 comes out. I am a god among men. I decide who lives and dies. I am the machine.

Ya know, until I got to masters, Then all of a sudden it’s a game again. I managed grandmasters in season one but my interest has waned over the years. Much like my keyboards with their wear on the 4 and s and d keys

I don’t care how much it was abused, can we please bring back “avoid player”?

Did they ever explain why CTF was removed? That was like my go-to.

Aaand it’s back. I swear it was still gone when I checked yesterday.

Soldier, in comp: “Hey guys, just want to let you know that I have a high ping, like 300. The only way I can avoid disconnects is tethering through my phone.”

That sounds like a preemptive excuse for when they fail to take down annoying PharaMercy-pair. I should try to use that sometime.

Dumbass DPS: “Mercy wasn’t healing anyone!”
Me: “I have 8.6K healing in under 4 minutes.”

Meanwhile the tanks have the gold and silver elim medals.

A losing streak last night brought me from low gold to mid silver and I fucking can’t stand it here.

This is a prime indicator that the tanks aren’t actually shielding the DPS: When the DPS think they aren’t getting healed, tanks are taking elims, and healers are working OT. Either that or they are walking into bullets, which… they do sometimes.:sweat_smile:

If I’m remembering right, the tanks were holding the choke, and the DPS were dying to whatever trickled through.

Unrelated, people need to stop making shit up and assuming it’s universal, irrefutable knowledge: “Never start through the open part in Liajiang: Gardens, everyone knows that (said in a whiny voice after the team pushed that way)”, “Don’t play Rein, he’s useless now”.

People fucking love heuristics, even bad ones. To be fair, the problem often isn’t with the heuristic itself, but with the fact that you’ve got two or more completely divergent strategies competing with each other at once. You can win tons of games saying “never do X” or “always do Y” if you’re at least on the same page. And that’s my heuristic of the day.

This happened today. I’ve been playing a lot of the 3v3 lockout. I want to play more CTF but most matches I get in as soon as there’s one flag cap at least one person on the losing team starts throwing.