
[quote=“SkeleRym, post:390, topic:291”]
Call me when it’s All Star

Also, May’s new dance emote is the Hare Hare Yukai, or at least part of it. No shit, look.

It is straight up the first few moves of Hare Hare Yukai. Are any of the other dances from nerd stuff? Also reminds me of back in the day one if the WoW race’s dance emote was the Napoleon Dynamite dance.

I thought you’d request some Eurobeat for “Speed”


War never changes.

Reminded me of VG Cats riffing on Unreal Tournament 2004

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I agree, when there’s a widow on your team, they have to get more kills than the average teammate to compensate for the sheer lack of another available target to spread out damage. 3 snipers means the objective fight is going to be HARD unless they are excellent. Additionally, it’s harder for them to recognize they might not be pulling their weight since they are likely to stay alive longer and get a few headshots in the meantime. Any time someone picks widow, I choose a brawler – someone who can handle a close outnumbered fight (Zarya, Lucio, Reaper, wish I could RH) or a Zen to improve team focus and make body shots pay off more. I’m seeing a lot more junkrat lately, but I don’t play regularly since he’s so well countered by pharrah and zarya.

But I did play him this game:

Overwatch now:

As long as I have a coordinated team with decent support, I’ve had a lot of success with Rein lately with backward charges.

If we have another soaker/brawler like Zarya at the choke, and we have a pick or are close to a breakthrough, I’ve been able to get around behind the enemy (short flank route: never long) and charge back into my team.

It’s won a few games outright. Best if the off-healer is Zenyatta and I have an orb, but even in competitive the other team often doesn’t see me. They assume (I assume) I’m charging my shield while Zarya covers.

The best part is that I charge past my other tank and into safety, usually pulling their Mercy with me.

It’s a high-risk move, but I starting winning more games when I started doing it if the opportunity presented.

One thing I’ve definitely realized is how disrupted I feel when the enemy doesn’t have a direction. I’m not talking flanking on a street level, I mean, they are literally on every side. Unless you have a team that can deathball, focus, and protect heals, or a barrier to back up against, those maneuvers can seriously mess a team up. It takes a lot of coordination and skill to pull off though, and if enemy team can focus fire, feels bad man.

Played some more Mei.

Anybody down for 6v6 tonight, or this weekend?

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Sure! I’m free all weekend.

I’ve been hogging it up again a lot, trying to get my hook accuracy back up. There are still some annoying moments where I have no clue how the guy I hooked survived but it’s been fine. Just had a QP match on Oasis where I stomped the enemy team pretty hard with 23 eliminations and only 1 death including some pretty nasty Whole Hogs just wrecking people in small spaces.

To anyone interested, how does starting at around 9 Eastern sound?

That’s viable for me.

Sure! How can I join? I don’t know anyone’s blizzard IDs or anything.

Add me and I’ll add you when we get going. SuperPichu#11689

Okay, friend request sent! Looking forward to it.

I might be a little late. I am currently stuck in an elevator.

Thanks guys for putting up with my skills, or more accurately lack thereof. Was fun!

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