
Took like an 8 month break. Took me some time to level back up my aim but feeling pretty hot again. Still a pretty fun game.

So Iā€™ve played a bunch of solo queue over the last few days and managed to finish out the season at 2739. Iā€™m pretty happy with that.

Too cute


I really love the Genji as a cat thing that has sprung up lately.

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Had a fun time in QP today, for a change. At the end of a match a guy randomly asked to stay in group. He played a healer and I thought ā€œwhy notā€. Played another match and unfortunately lost because I was playing Winston and had gold elims. You can guess how good our DPS was. Whatever. We then played a round on Gibraltar. The other guy picked Roadhog and I wanted to play the Zarya combo with him. We completely roflstomped the other team. After the match another group of two hit the ā€œstay as teamā€ button. One of them was the solo healer Lucio so we said okay. We then had another match on Nepal where we mostly wrecked face, me and the original guy playing tank combo though I later switched off Zarya because the enemy team had a Sombra and she made my life hell. Winston on the other hand wrecked face in Sanctum and then in Village I switched to the good old hog and hit my shots and hooks. I then asked them to be friends on Battle.net. Itā€™s nice to make new friends. :smiley:

Winstons should often have gold elims thanks to the Tesla cannon. Not many killing blows, but many assists.

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Thatā€™s assuming that the targets Winston zaps dies. Iā€™m no good with Winston, so I spray lightning around a lot, but no one ends up dying. Except me.

Elims are based on contribution.

Also, generally, I dislike RH-Zarya as the tanks. They canā€™t provide nearly enough shielding for the team.

If Iā€™m playing D.Va as off-tank and we have a Rein or Orisa as main tank, Iā€™ll usually have gold elims from my DPS spray.

New Map incoming


PTR has some fun new custom game things:

  • Player gravity and projectile gravity can now be modified
  • Knockback magnitude can now be modified on any weapons or abilities that have a knockback effect
  • Jump height can now be modified
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Fun facts - Dr Winston, who you hear in the start of the video in an audio flashback from Gorilla winston, is played by Greg Chun, who also plays Matsuo in the English dub of Mob Psycho 100.

PTRā€™s also got a major Roadhog nerf ā€“ the reduction in his shot damage means that his hook combo probably wonā€™t be able to reliably kill people anymore. Iā€™m very sad about it.

This makes me very sad.

Iā€™m fine with that. With even half competent team any hero hooked by Hog should die instantly, even if it canā€™t be killed just with the combo. Sure it gives characters with ways to run away from the situation edge against the hook, but I still see hook remaining as strong and useful ability.

With even half competent team any hero hooked by Hog should die instantly

I guess Iā€™d better work on upping my rank then.

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It should be noted that while the bullet damage has been reduced by 33%, the fire rate has been inceased by 30%, the Clip Size increased from 4 to 5 and his head hitbox reduced by 20%. Havenā€™t played with it yet and losing the one-shot kill will suck, but these are some major improvements as well.

Other hero changes is that Reaper no longer has to collect orbs but simply regains health at a rate of 20% of damage done (which I find kind of unnecessary), and McCreeā€™s Deadeye now locks onto targets much faster and gains more damage early making it probably a whole lot more useful.

Also Oni Genji and Officer D.Va have been added to lootboxes. Patch Notes

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That only works when youā€™re with your team though ā€“ one of Roadhogā€™s best points has been his ability to run independent flanks on the enemy team since he has self-heal and can 1v1 other heroes well.