
We need to all start playing together again. I much prefer playing with friends. Either all friend group (where we don’t have to worry about shitheads on the other team), or 6v6!


Managed to reach platinum again for this season too, and this time playing mostly solo-queue. It’s nice to feel like I’m getting better, although I’m still way too inconsistent with every hero. Like, Soldier is my most played hero, in quick play and across all competitive seasons, but still every time I pick him, I’m not sure if I get a match where I’m absolutely in fire destroying everything, or if I get match where I fail to miss stationary Winston.

Though, although I’m bragging about my solo queue achievements, Rym is right, the game is at it’s best when played with group of friends. Even friends of friends and passing acquaintances do just fine.


I find that playing with a buddy nets you the best results in ranked play. I tend to pick roles that are central to any team, which allows me to dictate the flow of the game and at worst, I can just turn off team chat and focus on synergizing with my partner.

I tend to go Ana and my friend goes Reinhardt, and as we are typically the primary heals and tank, the team tends to listen to us when we make shot calls. If the team refuses to cooperate, we synergize enough to where I can enable Reinhardt to become a bayblade of death into the enemy team. If we are on fleek, we can combo our sleep and charge moves to take out specific targets.

As for shot calls, I tend to avoid telling anyone who they should play as, and if I do, I color it as a recommendation. The most frequent one I do is the group up, and wait close to spawn until we have a full team, as most of the losses I have are due to our team trickling one by one to the enemy team.

That being said, I’m a cis-white guy, so that influences my experience a lot.

Yeah I rarely make suggestions other than to say that Pharah and Junkrat tend to fill the same role, or that with a single healer (me) and no tanks everyone is going to die a lot. But also:

That being said, I’m a cis-white guy, so that influences my experience a lot.

[quote=“panfriedmarmot, post:204, topic:291, full:true”]
People who just have open mics instead of Push-to-Talk or properly configured voice activation need to be shot (figuratively of course). Crying babies, yelling spouses or parents, barking dogs, fighting siblings, the stereo on in the background or CHEWING. Chewing is the worst, but I don’t want to hear any of that other crap either.
[/quote]There is one person: Omnutia always gets me over open mic, we’ll often have an open voice channel outside of the in-game voice chat. It’s just constant rambling on about what’s in the news, what I’ve been watching on tv, making stupid puns, etc.

I was watching some guide videos on youtube and found that this person is quite good at explaining the heroes but hasn’t really got anything recently::


Since I am slowly approaching Level 25 I am wanting to expand who I am able to play with beyond my mains (in case they are taken by other people during competitive.)

[quote=“ScoJoHarr, post:211, topic:291, full:true”]Since I am slowly approaching Level 25
I play too much.


Blizz is overhauling their report system for more granular reporting, in an attempt to lower toxicity.


Played 3 games of comp, was paired with low gold and silvers so I ate them alive. Teams were ok, tended towards poor composition and wouldn’t group properly, but the healers were good and the opposition was bad, so we pulled through. Won a game with 44 elims (quad gold), 22 were solo kills. Take that how you will.

2 out of 3 games, as well as two canceled games, I received comments on being female when using voice chat. Next “obligatory girl gamer” comment is getting “Wait, what? Why did no one ever tell me before??” as a response.

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As interesting as the game is, I don’t have as much interest in playing Overwatch with random people. I can play a couple of characters okay, but I’m not really interested in being great at the game.

About the only Multiplayer I’ve ever really been into was Mass Effect 3’s which is horde mode, not PVP.

I still find the game interesting and definitely want to play with people I know, but left to my own devices there are a lot of other games I’d rather play.

I am making immediate and heavy use of this when it rolls out on main servers.

[quote=“Raithnor, post:215, topic:291”]
About the only Multiplayer I’ve ever really been into was Mass Effect 3’s which is horde mode, not PVP.
[/quote]I absolutely love horde mode multiplayer. Co-op PVE is my fucking jam.

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I found the amazing exception to my complaint about young children in competitive. This kid was eight years old and played an exquisite Reinhardt and played Genji like it was his freaking job. He used comms to communicate and didn’t chatter. 11/10 would play again.

Got up to Level 22 now - I will likely be on my placement matches for Competitve by next week.

On overwatch news: I hope that this happens if only that map makers who make good maps can get turned into official maps. But I think that the problem is going to be that the maps made will mostly be shit and not balanced.

I just want map maker for silly custom games, like something where you have lots of walls and ledges to nothing and compete only using Lucios.

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I maintain that I would spend $40 on a version of the game that you could fire up if you just wanted to play the seasonal special games again. I want to lucioball so much.

I’m surprised they haven’t thrown stuff like that into the arcade mode yet. Maybe make it an option for the custom servers?

The female gamer thing is not as much of an issue for me that I’ve seen, although I have seen it occur in many other games. Also playing with randoms pays off sometimes.

An example was last night when I logged on and realised no one was really playing and had jumped through 2 or 3 skirmishes, so I posted in the general chat some off hand comment about no one playing.

Within seconds I got an invite to a 5 stack composed of 2 Koreans, 2 Singaporeans and 1 Japanese player (and suddenly me as a representative for Australia lol). However the group I joined was 60% female and the gender had no issue. We didn’t lose a game and played till 2am. Sure the skill varied, their pings were obviously amazingly low (single digits) while I was on 200 - 250 so I couldn’t really play any DPS and just went tank for most of the time and was usually getting gold eliminations with Reinhardt / Winston / Zarya picks. (Picks were game knowldege and decision making is more important than anything else).

The stats weren’t interesting to me it was more that in Asian countries, gender doesn’t really play into tropes of whether you should or should not be expected to pay games.

I don’t know you or how you identify, but going off of your profile picture, I doubt you are as likely to hear or be a target of this type of commentary. If you are playing a game with a majority male (voiced) population, chances are your team doesn’t include a woman, so the commentary would naturally be less frequent. Meanwhile, every game I play includes me. So maybe you are not qualified to make those assessments?

That said, playing at net-cafes in Japan felt similar gender-ratio-wise to MAGFEST’s LAN room, but people culturally weren’t as likely to make a fuss. It had less to do with stereotypes, and more to do with minding one’s own fucking business.

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