Miscellaneous Music Thread (Include a Description with your Embedded YouTube)



This song was referenced in an episode of Bocchi The Rock which is the sleeper hit of the current anime season, and thought I should share as I also only found this song for the first time today.

Due to a reference in Pop Team Epic, I learned today about the japanese YouTube channel The First Take. There recording artsts go and perform their songs in a single take in a quasi-live setting. I found a video there by one of my favorite japanese artists, miwa (maybe familiar to anime viewers as the singer of the OPs for Silver Spoon season 1 and Flying Witch, and one of the EDs for My Hero Academia).

It’s ridiculous how her voice can make me cry out of nowhere.

I’ve been hearing this music what feels like almost all year. But only recently did I find out what artist it was and what songs they were. Also, wow a single music video for two songs. This is entering short film territory.

A post was merged into an existing topic: KPop - aka Only Scott Cares - aka Not as Good as Metal

A mashup of Justice, crappyblue, and Weird Al. (No, this isn’t a parody.)

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I found this song because it was referenced in the Bocchi the Rock manga and OMG it is so much fun.

Edit: A week later I have bought every Necry Talkie album and they are all just straight bangers. This band is fantastic.

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If you are a fan of japanese music or even just anime, you probably know about the band Kana-Boon. They have several songs that were featured as openings for Naruto and its off-shoot Boruto. However, probably their biggest hit is one of their first songs, Naimononedari. The song is about a relationship falling apart.

As the video makes explicit, the song is sung from two perspectives, but both are performed by the singer for the band Maguro Taniguchi. I saw the above video years ago, and I partly blame it for me not really getting into the band. It just seemed weird and the guy in the relationship really disinterested in it to begin with. I guess that’s kind of the point.

Due to the influence of Bocchi the Rock (more on that soon), I have recently gotten a lot deeper into japanese rock music and with that Kana-Boon to a degree who are one of its most popular bands and I wanted to see why. Through this I came to a version of Naimononedari performed for The First Take which I mentioned earlier in this thread. There they have the female part in the song performed by Mossa, the singer and rhythm guitarist for Necry Talkie (see above). Kana-Boon would later release a clean, re-recorded version of the song with Mossa. And this version just works soooo much better. I can’t help but feel that the song should have always been a duet.


Damn I really went ten years without anyone telling me about the Bruce Springsteen folk punk covers album.

New album by Breakmaster Cylinder!


The live version is still one of the best concert moments on YouTube. The crowd reaction is insane.

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New Weird Al music video.

It’s weird that it’s for a song that is almost a quarter of a century old (came out on Running with Scissors in 1999) but since it is one of my favorite Weird Al songs I won’t complain. It is a pastiche of 3rd Wave ska. To me it sounds particularly like Goldfinger’s 1997 album “Hang-Ups”, the one that contains Superman.

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Russkaja has always been a pecular band to me. Their sound is of course quite unique, blending metal, ska, punk, polka, russian folk music, and dipping their toes in various other things as well. They are also one of the few big bands of recent memory coming out of austria, though their roots, as their lead singer and band leader Georgij Makazaria is russian by birth but has been living in vienna since 1989. Their lyrics are also primarily in russian, but with also some songs in english and some in german. I own multiple of their albums but at the same time I never would call them one of my favorite bands. I do regret never having seen them live.

They have released a new album in January, but this will also be their final album as yesterday they announced the dissolution of the band. The stated reason is that they can no longer continue with their image, taken largely from soviet russia, due to the new russian imperialism and the war in Ukraine. This announcement came on the heels of a new video for the song Paschli.

Adam Neely on jazz, video game music, and playing a big band jazz concert at Magfest:

The video also gives you something to think about if you’ve seen Tár.

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