"Metal" is the best thread title here



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It’s funny that his methods come down to:

  • already know which are the dodgy festivals, so if a band has played there, they might be suspect.
  • already know which are the dodgy labels, so if a band has signed to one, they might be suspect.
  • already know which other bands are nazis, so if a band has worked with them, they might be suspect.
  • already know which philosophers and writers are attractive to nazis, so if a band quotes them, they might be suspect.
  • are they wearing swastika tattoos?

For an article that asks you to familiarize yourself with common nazi metal dogwhistles it sure does a poor job of indicating what they are. Not even a mention of skrewdriver? Although I’m more concerned about the lack of context considering there a symbols and themes that could be fash but aren’t always, like say, songs about WWII, the Crusades, the Black Sun, etc.

Amusingly, bands that sing about Satan and demons are almost always ok.

I believe they call it Wolfenstein.

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I feel like we are in danger, this song says Andrew W.K. but it’s not about partying.


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I actually like this quite a bit. I remember his earliest live stuff he would play and sing over a recording. And the recording was just him playing all the other instruments, since no band. This music video really illustrates his one-man-band nature more than any of his other stuff I have seen.

Also, it is not completely without partying. And I think he would definitely say that watching this MV or listening to this song counts as partying.

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I know the mannequin is supposed to be him but I can’t stop seeing it as Tommy Wiseau

Is this a Kpop thing? I feel like I never saw it before recently, and now it’s frequent enough that I notice it.

I have no idea where it originated. At least my my personal memory it started with anime scene using acronyms like OVA/OAV and then AMV. It feels completely natural for a YouTube video that is a music video to have an [MV] in the title.

This makes me unbelievably happy. I finally got tickets to see them for their 2020 tour and then the pandemic happened. I’ll still get to see them whenever the concert happens again but more albums is something I won’t say no to!

Little old lady that coaches metal singers on not trashing their voice:

Is there an easy way for non-brits to hear it?

I don’t know anything about this metal act, and no one else seems to know much more. But this album art got everyone clickin’

German black/death metal about big fucking cannons and trench warfare and other such pleasantries.

From BC:

This album is intended to commemorate the countless victims of World War I.

Men were thrown into a differing reality where only survival would count. Death, fear and hunger as a steady companion in the waist-deep trenches filled with mud. One order transferred people into cannon fodder in the human mill - World War I.

The lyrical background of “Menschenmühle” is based on factual reports, letters and other documents from the surviving and deceased soldiers.

YouTube is in the “recommend hurdy gurdy” stage of its cycle.

Damn, that’s a nice-looking instrument. When I finish building mine, I can only hope it looks a tenth as good as that.

Edit - I checked out that particular gurdy, and found that It’s actually from her brand of instruments, MM instruments, which she created to solve the problem of people not knowing where to buy them, and the fact that they’re extremely expensive instruments. I also found that they only solved one of those problems, because it’s 1500+ dollars for the most basic model. I think I can accept mine not looking as good.

I would easily imagine $1500 being far more reasonable than what they probably were costing otherwise. Just looking at one if asked the price I’d figure 3-5k and up.

Limited production, lots of decently close tolerance moving parts (for wood!), $1500 seems about right to me.