Learning a language


Mastery quizzes


The stories and other features aren’t available for every language.

The “currency” is a bit of a joke too, I have 11k of it and have nothing to do with it all. I already bought all of the “outfits” and the “bonus skills” for the languages that I was interested in that had them. Which was only Spanish IIRC

Yeah, seems like different language courses also have different structures and features. Perhaps also something about it being different on mobile. While I have the app, I rarely use it and usually do my stuff on PC.

Okay, I realize this is extremely juvenile of me, but I can’t help myself.

I learned the japanese word for “prison” today. It is 刑務所, pronounced “Keimusho​”, but the only thing I could hear when it was first pronounced was “Game Show”. And I couldn’t stop laughing.



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I had this prompt a couple of times, but I finally tried the meme answer and it actually works.

The original japanese line from the video game is


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I stumbled across this video on YouTube and found it hilarious.


Still at it at day 260. However, sometimes Duolingo can go fuck itself.

Of course this is a famous sentence but I am not sure that teaching people syntax and vocabulary of another language is a good venue to also introduce greater concepts of linguistics.

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I appreciate when they sneak in lyrics to some songs.

Someone on their team is a huge fan of Cake.

That sentence would make me tear my hair out regardless of the language I was trying to learn.

Completely done. Everything at least 5 crowns.


Nice one! How long did that take you?

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Exactly 299 days, and I didn’t break the streak once.


Holy crap. I’m doing the spanish one. It’s been 150 days, and I’m not even at checkpoint 2 yet.


That is amazing!!! Showing some serious dedication!


Wow that is insanely impressive. Well done.

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Still keeping it up and achieved my goal today, though I’m doing much less than I used to. I did buy myself a book to work on my kanji that I really should work with more. Perhaps I will start doing that instead of duolingo. They are adding things though. They recently added stories, which are fun little listening exercises. They also added a lot more voice work for various characters instead of just one male and female voice which I had for the majority of my time with it. I heard though that that was an improvement from before where those were much more robotic.

Yesterday I hit a 100 steak for the second time. I did it earlier this year but didn’t want the stress of keeping up the streak during my summer vacation trip to England.

German, right? Keep it up :slight_smile: Du schaffst das :slight_smile:

Yeah. After 15 years of having German good enough to get by in Berlin, and to pass a citizenship test to become a German, I want to level up. I’m mostly concentrating on the higher level lessons, to get more comfortable with all the verbs that are super common, but all the other German lessons and learning have never seemed to touch on. Sure, “to walk” or “to buy” is handy for tourism and shopping, but “to achieve” or “to arrange” or “to contribute” are the verbs that help in real situations.

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Perhaps self-indulgent, but I am kind of proud of myself for getting this joke in japanese.

The above is really weird orthography because it is a combination of Katakana and Kanji, and japanese doesn’t just switch writing systems in the middle of a word. As the translation hints at, this is a bland name for Starbucks. What they did is take the way Starbucks is written phonetically in Katakana, スターバックス (“Sutaabakksu”) and combined it with the characters for tea leaf (茶葉, “chaba”) so it becomes a very similar “Suchabakksu”, also hinting at this being a franchise that sells hot beverages.

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