It's Handegg Season

Obviously, it’s time for New Yorkers to start rooting for the Lions. :wink:

Fuck the Lions.

Not those Lions.

Yes, those Lions (I attended a rival school).

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Well in that case your school deserves to lose. :wink:

Oh, it’s on now! :wink:

Random aside, was just watching this:

Kinda neat how american football is just really diverse in terms of what athletes are relevant there. I’m sure everyone from the smallest kicker to the biggest linebacker is more fit than I’d ever be, but it’s an interesting complicated game that has reasons to take advantage of a bunch of different skills.


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My new goal in life is to be the Bill Belichick of an eSport.


So… kind to everyone except the one woman in the whole video, who he screamed at?


Yeah, except that part.

I appreciate Belichick’s calm demeanor.

HOWEVER, my homer-self would rather be the enthusiastic and upbeat Pete Carroll:

Learned a lot. Also one of them has an actual thing that involves the Seahawks. They do list the Packers as well.

Are you smarter than an NFL ref?

Those were legit hard questions, but I still got 6/6. The best one was the out of bounds kickoff. It involved knowing three separate things together.

Also the last one with the punt I picked the correct answer based on what just made sense, as opposed to basing it on any actual knowledge.

2018 edition:

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True freshman double majoring in astronomy and physics at Wisconsin.

Also he led the conference in rushing yards, and was second in TDs. Urschel 2.0!

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