I'm Saddened... (Board Games)

New Frontiers is still fun.

If you mapped the center of mass between Race for the Galaxy and Puerto Rico, you’d find New Frontiers. Once I started treating it like Puerto Rico (trying to think three moves ahead) I started doing better.

Can someone explain to me how Monopoly, an absolutely trash tier game, is so popular that it has like 100 different versions with various brandings?

…Cosmic irony?

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Especially when you consider the fact that Monopoly was a demonstration about how Rents are fundamentally unfair.

The rest is a combination of inertia and branding. You have 3 generations who have played the “Standard” version of Monopoly.

Also families tend to gravitate toward safe games where they already know the rules and where skill doesn’t actually matter too much, to avoid strife.

This applies to all the similarly structured games. Apples 2 Apples, Superfight, etc.


Asmodee continues to consume all other available and successful companies in the industry.

Non-US distributors; no wonder I didn’t recognize any of those names.

You need to listen to the party game cast to find the best ones to replace those style of games.

Lion Rampant owning North American rights to all Zoch titles is an interesting wrinkle. I’ve worked with Lion Rampant in the past, as they’ve tried (unsuccessfully) to be a publisher of Zoch and other titles throughout NA. Them being solely in Canada has made it more difficult than it should be to get those titles into wider distro in the USA. Love me some Zoch so hopefully this helps.

Yeah, maybe we’ll see an English Voll Pfosten.

I hope they translate the title.

Idiot Pole.

Metagame (the actual title) is a pretty modular game that is actually working on the apples to apples/CAH framework, but target more at mature adults vs immature adults. The most risque thing about it is vaseline is a card object.

Probably new art for base game plus all the maps.

Love the BGG site redesign finally made it to the early teens in WebDesign.

So there’s a German Metal band, POWERWOLF. They made a co-op adventure board game. I don’t know if either the band or the game are good, but the fact that it exists means I must share it.


Press F for all the wallets out there.

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Eh. I’m not so sure. Sure, the initial set will probably sell well, but as a dungeon crawl, the game seems lackluster, especially compared to games like Gloomhaven and app-enhanced games like Imperial Assault. As a one-versus-one miniatures game, it’s violating the Rule of Four.

My prediction… the initial set sells well, but subsequent expansions will not and within a couple of years the game will be abandoned.

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