I'm Saddened... (Board Games)

I don’t disagree. The game could be quite bad. That hasn’t stopped plenty of other games from selling like hotcackes.

I’ll never understand how Elder Scrolls as a brand has the legs it has. Sure, Skryim/Oblivion/Morrowind had such appeal because of their open world, emerging narrative, but the actual IP of Elder Scrolls is so flavorless I can’t describe it as anything other than “fantasy”.

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Its simply brand loyalty/nostalgia filter. There exists a huge group of people that buy Bethesda branded products without any real discernment because they enjoy the “experience” which is just experience the known IP over again.

These are also the people who are more than thrilled to sink 120 hours into a 12 hour game.


My litmus test is to see if someone preferred Skyrim vs Witcher 3 because they are diametrically opposed versions of the concept of an open world game. If you pick the former than we are just 100 percent different kinds of gamers and I hope they enjoy their nth hundredth hour in No Man’s Sky.

Yeah. BotW had an open world with novelty to explore literally everywhere. Skyrim-like games feel like giant empty worlds filled with brown and gray things.


Joke’s on you I can’t stand either of them.

Rym’s on the money though, I would say BotW is the only open world game I truly enjoyed


I hate this kind of stupid advertising shit.

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There’s no way this joke RPG is going to make me buy a Wendy’s product. I’d much rather see them spending all their corporate cash paying artists and creatives than dumping $$$ into Google/Facebook ads or some dumb shit. It’s pretty well done, and a lot of people got a good laugh.

I feel like it’s way more dangerous and insidious than plain-ol’ advertising.

What if brands were just your adorable friends on social media? :face_vomiting:

Jimi Hendrix loved Risk apparently.

Brief story time.

My dad and his cousins love Hold’Em. They get together for poker weekends and play poker the way we play board games at a PAX. Like 14 straight hours for 2 straight days. To the point where they buy decks wholesale because on any given weekend they completely wear out 4 decks of 52. This is great because this otherwise somewhat disperate group of family who’d only see each other at weddings and funerals are much closer than they otherwise would be. (they’re also monsters and all of them either cash out or bubble when they go to foxwoods, ya can’t play as much as they do without getting better)

Anyway, the rest of us mere mortals who are largely uninterested in losing money at a table of sharks saw how close these guys were and decided they wanted their own pokergame with blackjack and hookers. So of all things they decided to do a game of Risk for all the non poker players. Thus far it’s in schedule hell trying to coordinate the schedules of an affluent family.

So there’s a chance I’m in a ‘for bragging rights’ risk game with the family, where they’ll likely gang up on me as it’s not exactly a secret I like boardgames. Just wish risk was a better game.


Pick a different version of Risk than just “vanilla?”


Way way way back when I was barely a teenager, I played a version of risk that involved a separate game board which was the moon. Was called Risk 2188 or something like that. It must have been one of the first not risk risks out there. It was basically just risk, with cards that let ya do weird stuff and ocean cities and moon cities.

Are the not vanilla risks better enough to justify buying one? We already have classic risk.

@Naoza there is a mainline risk reprint from 2016 that includes missions and capitals that basically plays and looks like normal risk but the missions and capitals effectively work as a victory point win condition other than wiping everyone off the map so it avoids tedious endgame dice-fests.

Here’s the implementation of risk with those rules I mentioned on Amazon.


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Also Risk Legacy is the best risk, but also you need to play multiple games, preferably with the same people and with your scheduling issues I cant recommend.

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