
I only eat things that fall from trees naturally. Like apples. And dead squirrels.


[quote=“lukeburrage, post:134, topic:815, full:true”]
I only eat things that fall from trees naturally. Like apples. And dead squirrels.
[/quote]Sometimes you hit the jackpot


Some fresh fig with my scallops (fingerling potatos, peas, pork belly, and some tangy green sauce)


I realize that you’re not a vegan spokesperson, and don’t even hold this point of view, but my curiosity doesn’t know how to be satisfied by google so I’m going to ask here.

Isn’t like pollination a byproduct of many insect/birds/other creatures. So, by extension, isn’t things like apples or most other crops a byproduct of their activity?

How do they justify eating anything?

There are quite a few things pollinated by wind. But that doesn’t really preclude your questions, just narrows it from “anything” down to “most things.”

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This discussion on vegan classification on foods reminds me of a story told on This American Life about Orthodox Jewish food classifications. It inevitable gets so rules lawyering that only the nerdiest care about it.


But what about Dust Mites? They’re microscopic! They’re everywhere! There is probably literally nothing on this planet that doesn’t have at least one dust mite on it…

At a certain point, this argument becomes ridiculous.

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I guess suffering only really matters if you can see the creature’s face. Those poor mites. Who will weep for them?


Vegans who obsess over these minutia in insufferable and miss the point.

But they are far less of a problem than the hordes of non-vegans who obsess over these points solely to annoy/undermine actual vegans.

The only useful discussion is around the goals of veganism. Are those goals reasonable? Are any given actions advancing said goals?

Any discussion of the details of veganism is literally useless (and usually just antagonistic for no good reason) unless the root of the discussion is goal oriented.


Nobody does rules lawyering like religious Jews…

There is a well-known joke about Talmudic interpretation. A Jew is talking to his Rabbi.

Rabbi,” the man said, “Explain the Talmud to me.”

“Very well,” he said. “First, I will ask you a question. If two men climb up a chimney and one comes out dirty, and one comes out clean, which one washes himself?”

"The dirty one,” answers the man.

“No. They look at each other and the dirty man thinks he is clean and the clean man thinks he is dirty, therefore, the clean man washes himself.”

“Now, another question:

If two men climb up a chimney and one comes out dirty, and one comes out clean, which one washes himself?”

The man smiles and says, “You just told me, Rabbi. The man who is clean washes himself because he thinks he is dirty.”

“No,” says the Rabbi. “If they each look at themselves, the clean man knows he doesn’t have to wash himself, so the dirty man washes himself.”

“Now, one more question.

If two men climb up a chimney and one comes out dirty, and one comes out clean, which one washes himself?”

“I don’t know, Rabbi. Depending on your point of view, it could be either one.”

Again the Rabbi says, “No. If two men climb up a chimney, how could one man remain clean? They both are dirty, and they both wash themselves.”

The confused man said, “Rabbi, you asked me the same question three times and you gave me three different answers. Is this some kind of a joke?”

“This is not a joke, my son. This is Talmud.”


[quote=“Kate_Monster, post:145, topic:815”]
Switch the word vegan for almost any lifestyle and diet choice, and it still works. This is not an isolated problem in one community.
[/quote]Oh, definitely agreed.

I wanted to set up that most of the “annoying vegan minutia” debates are all non-vegans doing it to harass vegans rather than any real, earnest debate.

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Is it still harassment if you use it to counter them harassing you first? A couple times in college PETA (which is headquartered in the city where I went to school) would get permission to set up booths in the student union and harass people eating burgers and such and I countered them with rules lawyering minutiae until they left me alone.

“What about plants doe? You’re the real speciesist.”

Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever actually encountered any annoying vegans/vegetarians/gluten-y people in meat space (the Internet doesn’t count/pun sort of intended), it’s been 100% people using semantic arguments to complain about/be assholes to vegans/vegetarians/ect. .

Much in the same way the Internet loves to bitch about straw feminists, it loves to bitch about straw vegans.

I’m sure they exist, but so do assholes of all stripes. Assholes are universal among humans.

Anyway, it’s no skin off my nose in either direction. If it brings you joy and helps drive you to accomplish personal goals, more power to you! There was a time when I would’ve made fun of vegans, but that was Past Peter and that guy’s a fucking dick.

Gardein is wicked tasty too. Still gotta try those Quorn chick’n nuggets.


I think my proximity to PETA HQ is the only reason I have met actual IRL versions of the nutter holier than thou vegans.

Yeah, there are a lot of negative cultural stereotypes out there. But for many of them, I’ve encountered at least a few real life actual examples. I know several vegetarians and vegans, and I have not encountered even one IRL that is militant. Not even on the Internet. I’ve only ever seen the straw kind.


I have met quite a few actually. The overlap between couchsurfers and annoying vegans is just large enough…

I’m talking “Don’t you feel guilty for all the terrible X & Y you do by eating meat?” or “Don’t you care that you’re poisoning yourself? I’m only asking because I care” vegans.


Wow. At least I only say “Don’t you care that you’re poisoning yourself?” when it comes to actual poison.

Like that sugar cookie you ate before we did the show?