Fail of Your Day

If I see that bus and I think I’d get away with it, it’s getting defaced.


I regret that my knife is too small to slash bus tires.

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No knife is too small to slash bus tires if you’re dedicated enough.


Unrelated to anything being discussed, tire deflators are easy to come by, pocket-sized, and are perfect for causing significant inconvenience without true vandalism or destruction of property.

[quote=“SkeleRym, post:63, topic:210, full:true”]
No knife is too small to slash bus tires if you’re dedicated enough.
[/quote]When I was working as a mechanic, we used to cut up tyres too worn to be used for anything with a tiny little box-cutter, you know the kind with the little trapezoidal blade? Trick is, you’ve gotta get the tip of your knife into the sidewall, and then cut with the grain of the rubber. Also don’t cut inflated bus or truck tyres, they’ll fucking kill you. And I’m not exaggerating, they’ll fucking kill you dead.

Also, Netflix got rid of Stargate Atlantis, at least, in Australia. Which wouldn’t normally be notable, but they did it right when I was in the middle of an episode, it hitched, displayed the error dialog, and then completely vanished from their catalog. Now I need to find some other dodgy mid-level sci-fi to watch while I’m working.


“FreeSpeechBus” really, that’s their excuse? The old “don’t criticize my hateful statements because freedom of speech.” So is the bus always anti-trans or is there a rotation of different minorities they have opinions on?

Can you vpn into another country that still has it? I don’t think the US has any Stargate anymore, but I’m sure there is somewhere you can look up the catalogs of different regions. Since you enjoyed Killjoys, check out Dark Matter. Its a pretty equal Canadian-produced Scifi show.

[quote=“ninjarabbi, post:67, topic:210, full:true”]
Can you vpn into another country that still has it? I don’t think the US has any Stargate anymore, but I’m sure there is somewhere you can look up the catalogs of different regions. Since you enjoyed Killjoys, check out Dark Matter. Its a pretty equal Canadian-produced Scifi show.
[/quote]I’m not going to that much effort for Stargate Atlantis. And I quite liked Dark Matter, I watched it back when it premiered on Syfy Australia.

Back when I was an idiot (younger) I bent and twisted my pocketknife on a truck tire I was trying to slash. What I had left was not a knife. No amount of dedication would have popped that tire.

This was left unlabeled in a desk at a local university.

Someone plugged it in without knowing what it is.

Long story short, someone fried a laptop by plugging in an unknown device.
To clarify, this thing takes the 5V from USB and repeatedly charges up some high voltage capacitors(kV range I think, haven’t tested) then dumps the power onto the data lines.


Okay, that’s pretty funny that someone would explicitly label it “USBkiller.”

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Is that just a bunch of capacitors that are gonna blast back into the laptop?

Forget that, just unscrew the valve cap, put a ball bearing on the valve, and tighten the cap back on. A nice, slow leak.

The USB Killer is such a stupid thing to have laying around. There is a possibility it was done deliberately too. $50 to destroy some computers seems expensive.

Leaving those things lying around probably does improve the general security of the Internet though. It destroys patently insecure devices. :wink:

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aka most devices. From what I’ve been told the only real defense here is either a massive shift in manufacturing practices (lol) or not being a dumbass with usb sticks you found on the ground.

The CIA leak revealed that they put a LOT of effort into USB-related vectors.

My issue is that I occasionally need to go through a building and copy everything I can find that stores data. I really don’t want to have to start cracking open every flash drive to make sure I don’t blow anything up. I’d like to think $2-$5k forensic gear would have protections against this but I doubt it.

Keep a sos laptop around that you don’t care if it lives or dies. Repair one from the garbage. All usb drives go into that.

Use a USB hub or “condom” of some kind.