Fail of Your Day

pretty sure the reason is he admitted to tolerating Rape, not dressing up as a Furry… but we know which one would get the headlines.

I feel like that might have been unclearly and even provocatively written. I would assume that the list where tolerance for rape was about his preferences in erotic roleplay, or just in smut stories or other such kind of fictional masturbation material, probably filled with anthropomorphic animals.

My upstairs neighbor is either on hour two of the most tepid display of a lack of sexual prowess ever mustered, or is aggressively taking a crash course in dance at one in the fucking morning.

Either way I want to fucking sleep, and I’m sure their partner does too. e_e

I always found in those situations to either join in, making super exaggerated sounds, or to start cheering them on.


This is hilarious in a weird sad way.

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Bought Metroid: Samus Returns on the eShop forgetting I preordered it on Amqzon. Anyone want the cartridge version? It guess I could return it to Amazon.

Give it to Rym and review?

I was doing my homework about disclosures on stigmatized property for my real estate law class. In real estate certain things have to be disclosed to a buyer about a property, usually things that would have an impact on the health of an occupant, so things like defective Chinese drywall or if a house was used as a meth lab. Other things are not required to be disclosed if they are not material to the condition of a house, such as if a murder or suicide happened there or if a house is reputed to be haunted, and those things are often covered by law that even if those things are not disclosed the seller can’t be held liable for any damages arising from not disclosing them, because by nature they cannot cause direct harm. (On an amusing side note, the law uses very careful language to describe a haunting without speaking to the existence of the supernatural.) Often one of the things that a seller could not be held liable for not disclosing is whether or not the occupant had HIV. This was the law in Virginia… until this past March. That part of the bill was amended and the language regarding HIV was removed.

tl:dr My stupid state made it so ignorant assholes can file a lawsuit against you if have HIV and sell your house and didn’t tell the buyer and “damages” arise from that non-disclosure.

My only solace is that all it really means is that even though the buyer is not automatically prevented from filing a suit, it doesn’t mean they automatically win if they do.

I would snag that from you if I weren’t on a shoestring budget.

My fail of the day is that my front door broke, so until I can get a hold of the landlord tomorrow morning for her to fix I am a ball of anxiety. Luckily it stays closed, which is the only thing putting my mind at ease.

I live in a village with a large farmstead basically right at its center. However, I was in Vienna all weekend due to the Magic Austrian National Championships. I arrived back home yesterday night and went to work this morning. This evening I returned only to find that the barn at the farmstead which I can see from the street I use into the village had burned down. Apparently that had already happened on Saturday evening and I didn’t see it at night when I returned and didn’t look for it when I left this morning.

Thankfully it appears that nobody, neither man nor cow nor pig, got injured.
Here’s a report, though it’s in german

I find it interesting that the one sole republican in my fraternity is the only one who voted to extend a bid to the white kid who said the N word.

Sounds like you should just remove this one sole Republican from your fraternity.

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If he weren’t an outgoing senior I would be pushing hard for this.

Why not push hard anyway? Why let them have their last year?

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I’m leaving that decision up to our African American chapter president.

At least voice your concerns. Don’t be complacent and not say shit.

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Oh I did. We did not give that guy a bid and when the person who wanted him still said “Wow that hard-r really turned a lot of people off of this guy” I looked him dead in the face and said “as well it should”. I was not silent but as I am a pretty new member I’ll leave any other decisions to the people in charge. That is their job.

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I hired a cinematographer friend of mine from college to film my best friend’s wedding. I’ve seen his work. I’ve been IN his work. I know he usually does great work. He’s worked on features and TV shows and commercials. He’s a pro.
So, he’s filming and I’m handling the editing.


I’m SO glad that I lent him my camera to have as a wide on the ceremony and during the reception because, even though his camera is more than 3x more expensive than mine, his footage has a heavy layer of grain on it and everything looks washed out. I don’t know how he set it up but oh my god is this going to need some post-processing. And then a lot of his shots are out of focus. Not HORRIBLY so, but enough that I’ve got to think about how much time I give them in the final cut.
And then EVERYTHING is going to need to be stabilized. Like, a lot.

Meanwhile everything from my camera is crisp and clear and noise free.

To add on top of that, rather than putting a LAV on the groom and having to worry about battery and the length of the ceremony and possible wireless interference, and the fact that his camera only records 18 minutes at a time, I happened to have a portable recorder with me (because I’m me) so we plugged my that into the mixer that the wireless handheld they were using for the ceremony was plugged into. We did a sound check before the ceremony. The mic was coming through clear as a bell.
So, I’m sitting in the second row with my family and I decide to connect my cellphone to my recorder via it’s wifi feature. Figure I can drop track markers during the ceremony to make editing and syncing easier. When the music is playing, the VUs bounce up and down, but when they’re talking, it’s pretty flat. I can hear them coming through the PA speakers. But nothing on the meters. I hoped and prayed that maybe the app on my phone was borked.
At some point, I guess, the input from the PA was set to bypass the phones output and go straight to master out.

SO I’m gonna have to use what both of our cameras recorded and combine/clean up what I can get from them.


At least the reception’s audio was fine.