
The news about influenza (also, just the overall reduction in transmission and death from flu over the past 2 years) is bittersweet. It is great that there has been a significant reduction in spread, harm, and death from this virus. But pretty sad how trivially we treated it for soooooo long and just accepted the deaths as unavoidable.

I also saw this article recently, medical science is utilizing many of the hard-won lessons from Covid-19 in addressing a wide variety of other diseases. mRNA and similar vaccines yes, but also what diseases to address (e.g. obesity and vitamin levels), and the way research is conducted and regulatory acceptance.

You can now order 4 more if you wish. Same site.

Also, in news that makes Florida even worse than it already is…

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The government has launched a new site for finding COVID resources–masks, vaccine sites, and more.

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Many more COVID tests are coming if you have Medicare.

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Silly question but…

All these COVID variants. They are all different, but they’re all still COVID-19. I assume that they aren’t different enough, or different in the right way, to earn the designation of COVID-20 or COVID-21. What would they have to do to just get a higher number?

It’s because they are from the same Lineage, if a covid variate appears that isn’t directly related to Covid-19 it would get a new number. As long as it’s just mutations to the Covid-19 version it will stay that way.


COVID-19 is the disease caused by the virus. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus with the variants sprouting from it. Further explanation might require someone with more biology knowledge than myself.


Ooooh, ok. What would it take for one of the SARS-CoV-2 variants to become SARS-CoV-3?

Also the 19 is the year it was discovered a new number won’t be designated, till SARS-CoV-2 stops being a pandemic.

I think it would have to cause a disease pattern dissimilar enough from COVID-19 to classify as a new disease but could be off base there. The naming of viruses is beyond my etymology knowledge.

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Topical XKCD from today!


It’s surprisingly and sad how accurately we can predict things.

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Do you think the 20 years aging will make them vote like they’re 20 years older? I was hoping the silver lining was Covid disproportionately affecting older people and right wing crazies.