Why Twitter Can't Monetize


Dead link for me.

It was a laconica server, like 15 years ago. It’s been nothing for years and years.

I presume not. It’s hard to even Google for now. I think this was it?

No commits in 13 years, I imagine one of the fediverse things would better suit if you actually wanted to self host in 2022.

Found the old thread Suffice to Say - Front Row Crew Forum

How things have changed!

Well, he was right about one thing:

Twitter is so done.

You have to remember that back then, Twitter was barely used. It wasn’t even available on Android and a lot of people were using it via SMS.

What if all this is a spooky trick, for Halloween!

Hey! You’re only allowed to dig out quotes from the past for things I was right about.

Man, great job guy running that company, someone should give him a rai- oh.

So… lol

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LOL that “welcome to Hell Elon” article was spot on.

He’s between a rock and a RWNJ place.


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The plague returns.

EDIT: It gets worse.

I’m out.

I uninstalled Twitter today after a final tweet thread.


Welcome to the club.

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Cohost seems to be the place at least a few people are dashing off to.

Can we start a thread where people post random things that they would have posted on Twitter?

I’m going to miss all your content! No more skeletons :frowning:

Either that, or if the little tweets and snippets that would normally get posted to Twitter end up spread across multiple existing forums here, I could live with that.

I’ll have to start reading every thread now, haha


I do plan to do a microblog of that stuff once I decide on the right platform or just run one.