Video Game Hype Thread

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That game has some styyyyle

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DOOM, DOOM II and DOOM III all surprise appeared on the Switch today.

Ok, so who really wants to play these games on the Switch? Doom runs on everything. What’s the point.

That’s what I thought until I saw that they added local co-op and multiplayer.


I wonder if it still uses Port 666…

I hate playing FPSs on controllers.

But with Doom… multiplayer… everyone in the same room having the same busted-ass controls…

That could be good.


My feelings exactly.

Yeah I would totally play old Doom multiplayer in a room for that bad Perfect Dark style experience (EXCEPT NOW EVERYONE WOULD HAVE THEIR OWN SCREEN SO NO SCREEN CHEATING!)

A word of warning on the new Doom Release:

Also your switch needs to log into a account in order to play the game. Which is leading people to do memes…

Just got a notification this is available. Why was it on my wishlist? Probably because Cavanagh?

Same. I’m going to wait a little bit before deciding on it.

The development of Dead Cells is moving from the original developer, Motion Twin, to a “new” company, Evil Empire. But it’s going to be mostly the same people working on it. It was in finding this out that I discovered that Motion Twin was a co-op. I already liked the game, this just gives me more of a reason to respect the development team behind it.

It’s interesting to see how much this departs from the AAA formula for making a game.

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That new mini-boss update might be what it takes to get me back in. I basically played 10 hours and then gave up because I didn’t have the time to invest in making runs that dead-ended at boss fights where there was very little time to learn their mechanics.

I really really really like the concept of King’s Bounty. the first time I encountered it was actually on the SEGA Genesis.

The thing is, the actual execution of the game makes it not so fun to play. The more recent edition that you can get on Steam:

has a lot of issues like slow combat and such that just make it a frustrating experience. Sort of like Actraiser, it’s a game with two parts and only one is good. I like to walk around the map doing questy shit. I don’t like the turn based hex combat so much. The UI for it is bad and slow.

The trailer for King’s Bounty 2 does not inspire hope. Does it even contain any in-game footage whatsoever? That’s a huge red flag.

I think I might be better off just making the game I want.

OK I havn’t seen any discussion here but as someone who played a shitload of the ol Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior as a kid, and sucked the whole time, I am super hype that this new game Ion Fury has just come out.

For those who, like me, haven’t really heard of the game until recently or right now, it’s a fully new 2019 cyberpunk FPS published by 3D Realms. It’s made on original Build Engine code from the 90’s, and plays like a polished version of the original Build games (Duke Nukem 3D) It completely feels as if it had been made in 1999 by the same teams who made the other 3D Realms games, and then simply been shelved; until now.

A few nights ago, I heard the game was coming out so in anticipation I decided to go back and, since I had bought it years ago, finally fully play through the original Shadow Warrior since I had never gotten past maybe level 10 as a kid.

Now the weekend has come and I’ve had a chance to get this new game and play a bit and yeah. It feels great. It really has the chunky, sharp, but detailed vibe of those old games. Having just come from hours of Shadow Warrior, I jump right into this and it flows seamlessly.

It’s got all the fun, without the Duke or Lo Wang crude potty humor misogyny. The weapons feel right in line with the era, the health and inventory systems are clean and easy to use but not too different. The actual reviews out there do a better job of saying what’s what but, for my take, It’s hard to say this is just another “retro” game just trying to sell based on nostalgic aesthetics. It’s not a modern game and code base and design philosophy trying to use the aesthetics of the 90’s as a veneer. It’s a modern take at a game made using 90’s era tech/elements at the core. And I think that’s a bit of a different thing (though certainly not completely unrelated.)

Anyway, I’m pretty hype about it and I can’t wait to really dive in.

That’s actually kind of surprising, the devs are real shitty people.

On top of that, until a few days ago when they got called out on it, their studio was also following a ton of alt-right anti-SJW accounts, as well as a ton of prominent GGers and some white supremacists.

As I believe I have mentioned, I’m super hyped for World of Warcraft Classic. The gang is coming back together and I am just so excited to play a game for the second time. If anyone is tacitly interested in playing and doesn’t have a group of their own, feel free to hit me up. My guild is pretty packed, but I’m pretty pumped just to help people and show them this thing I really enjoy.

Well that’s interesting to read and a bit sad. I mean one generally wouldn’t expect people working in the Build engine today to be the most progressive individuals, so it’s not too surprising in that sense to find out, but I wouldn’t have guessed such a situation happening behind the scenes, based on the first few hours of the game.

Now, it’s definitely not a good look for your actual studio account to be following, well, all the sorts of shitty people, or airing their viewpoints in areas where people can see it; so that’s a bit telling that the studio itself diddn’t seem to care about that being visible.

But yes as far as I’ve seen in the game itself, whoever had oversight for it at least had the good sense not to echo the blatantly gross stuff that the older games were well known for; and perhaps that was thanks to 3D Realms’ oversight (a bit ironic that) more than the devs’.

Yeah, I’d say that’s at least partially 3DR looking at the “Success” of other projects like Mark Kern’s failed projects, or black and white mess Hatred, or even Duke Nukem Forever and going "Uh, guys, maybe make a game we can acually sell to more than four angry weirdos, or find another publisher?

Yeah, I’m genuinely baffled as to why you’d even have your corporate account following anyone who wasn’t A)Another developer, B)Another Game, C)A relatively uncontroversial outlet or MAYBE D)A relatively popular gaming personality who has expressed interest in your game. It just increases the likelihood that you’re gonna get yourself in the shit.

But then again, these sorts have always been the type to wear their alleigances on their sleeve, one way or another, because far as they’re concerned, it’s the Liberals/SJWs/Commies/whatever the popular snarl word is this week, so there’s nothing wrong showing it off.

Where are ya playin’?

I think a few friends and I settled on Herod. Also ya’ll allies or horde?