UK Political Clusterfuck 2017

I mean OK that was pretty fuckin’ dumb, I’ll give you that.

I don’t know if a budget still exists. The bank of England must be shitting out money.

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Seems they need some help from Kristin Chenoweth

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May will quit if Brexit passes.

I sure hope there’s no “Oh, we were granted an extension but someone forgot to file it and it got lost in the post so we’re out without a deal, oh well” today.

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Seriously, send help.

Satan, lend me thy strength.


Stupid is as stupid does.

I can’t even

A few days later…

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Gimli is a racist piece of shit.

BBC: I’m so intrigued. Let’s hear what he has to say.

My dad auditioned for Gimli. He’d have done much better here. :wink:

Voted Green today in the local elections.

Our local ward was always 3 conservatives until last year when the Green candidate won one. I expect we are on track to do it again and have an actual green majority not on the council but in our corner of it.

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