UK Political Clusterfuck 2017

Boris has lost his working majority with one of his MPs defecting.

I’d offer some commentary but it’s all such a mess that I can’t even tell if that’s good at this point.


Ireland could be reunified.

This is like… the one time I get to call myself aligned with the republicans…

Tiocfaidh ár lá

A scottish court just ruled unanimously that Johnson prorogation is unlawful because Johnson apparently deceived the queen to obtain it.

My latest conspiracy theory: Brexit is an attempt to indoctrinate the next generation.

The youth today have left leaning values due to growing up in relative safety and exposed to other cultures and ethnic identities.

That sort of thing would kill the conservative party when they expected the millennials to become more right leaning with age.

How can they make the next generation more conservative? Make them scared. Have them fight for resources. Homogenize the culture.

More likely a very small group of people can get rich “Shorting the UK” like it was Hostess or Toy R’ Us.

Prorogation is unlawful. Courts rule against the government.

The power of shouting :joy:

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Something about this quote sounds familiar…

The UK really fooling themselves that an election will solve anything at this point under FPTP.

It’s going to be January before you know it and no progress will have been made.

It should be noted that this recording is from 1990, apparently. Doesn’t excuse it, but I think it is necessary context.


Round and round we go.