Things of Your Day


A sobering look at the two atomic bombs used against Japan, and some of the unknown victims of these weapons…

Ray Mona on YT; I love lost media, especially if it’s garbage haha

He busted out another banger!

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I missed it by one day, but yesterday was Dagen H Day (or H-day):

Dagen H - Wikipedia.

I find Dagen H Day to be absolutely incredible from a civil infrastructure standpoint. To paraphrase from Wikipedia, on 3 September 1967, Sweden switched from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right.[[2]].(Dagen H - Wikipedia) The “H” stands for "Högertrafik ", the Swedish word for right-hand traffic. It was by far the largest logistical event in Sweden’s history.

" As Dagen H neared, every intersection was equipped with an extra set of poles and traffic signals wrapped in black plastic. Workers roamed the streets early in the morning on Dagen H to remove the plastic. A parallel set of lines was painted on the roads with white paint, then covered with black tape. Before Dagen H , Swedish roads had used yellow lines.[citation needed] Approximately 350,000 signs had to be removed or replaced, including some 20,000 in Stockholm alone.[11]"

" On Dagen H, Sunday, 3 September 1967, all non-essential traffic was banned from the roads from 01:00 to 06:00. Any vehicles on the roads during that time had to come to a complete stop at 04:50, then carefully change to the right-hand side of the road and stop again (to give others time to switch sides of the road and avoid a head-on collision) before being allowed to proceed at 05:00. In Stockholm and Malmö, however, the ban was longer – from 10:00 on Saturday until 15:00 on Sunday – to allow work crews to reconfigure intersections.[12] Certain other towns also saw an extended ban, from 15:00 on Saturday until 15:00 on Sunday.[citation needed]

One-way streets presented unique problems. Bus stops had to be constructed on the other side of the street. Intersections had to be reshaped to allow traffic to merge.[citation needed]"

The more you read about Dagen H Day, the more incredible it sounds from an infrastructure point of view. I honestly don’t think the US could do anything like this.

Happy Belated Dagen H Day!

I am in a new place, still need to get things out of the old place, soon I can work on fun things again.



Turns out I need to move AGAIN! Thankfully most of my things are already packed up.

Going to head off to Morgantown to be a digital archivist (!) for WVU

Someone bold should make this movie. People would go see it.


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5 Second Films’ latest video is 30:27 minutes too long.