The lady with the Top 10 video did a really good job with her video. I agree with most points, but not all. I still feel it’s a solid B-grade movie, better than the average action movie slop, and if this is what Disney’s Star Wars sausage factory of annual releases looks like, I’m going to keep giving them money.
On the whole, I think the movie could have been much better if it was a grittier war movie, or a slicker heist movie. I also would have liked more separation from the fan service. I groaned when fucking Dr. Evezan and Ponda Boba show up to bump shoulders with Jyn and Cassian. I don’t want or need that. Putting Red Leader and Gold Leader in the space battle? Now that’s a good use of fan service that makes sense!
I also groaned every time they showed a rebel sentry watching ships take off, or showing a rebel intelligence person intently listening to a transmission. We get it! You’re on Yavin and you made it look just like Episode IV! You don’t have to keep showing that.
There were telltale things like… the camera held on a bottle of blue milk just a little too long. Like they really wanted to make sure we saw “hey everyone, blue milk just like Aunt Beru used to have!”
And I’ll keep complaining about the score. If they brought the house down with music it could have elevated moments to the point I wouldn’t care as much about a weak character or plot hole.
Seriously, that “Top 10 Worst Reasons you Liked Rogue One” video is absolutely worth watching. I hate to take the negative angle, but here’s my list of points I don’t actually agree with. It’s a short list, so this lady and her video are very on point:
Disagreement 1: She calls the self-sacrifice from Galyn’s wife worthless but I don’t agree. It made sense to me and I thought the opening scene was very strong.
Disagreement 2: She didn’t regard the simple, easily-identified weakness of the Death Star as a plot hole in A New Hope, so no credit to Rogue One for closing it. I thought it was a good explanation. I agree though that Rogue One opens up just as many plot holes with the stupid hologram that doesn’t just quickly convey “HERE’S THE WEAKNESS, WHOEVER IS WATCHING.”
Disagreement 3: I agree that having Vader in the middle was 100% pointless and really hurt the film. Having him in the end was take it or leave it for me, but I don’t agree with this analysis of the audience feeling “Darth Vader is awesome and great!” hero worship of Vader. His display of power is to make you afraid of him.
Having Vader present in that battle absolutely makes sense as part of the larger star wars story. He commands the baddest super start destroyer. If the Rebel fleet amasses and reveals itself, you call homeboy up and get his ass there ASAP! I can agree he didn’t need to be on camera though, as that weakens Rogue One’s existence as a standalone movie. It fell on its face in a few areas regarding that goal.
I’m trying to remain critical of these Star Wars movies while also fully admitting: I enjoyed both The Force Awakens and Rogue One. When I saw Phantom Menace, I went from Star Wars nut to having boxed up my things for over a decade. Seeing these two movies, I say “oh that’s not so bad. They’re at least enjoyable for what they do well.”
I remain hopeful that The Force Awakens was Disney’s grand effort at reviving a franchise that people were very much ready to love again. So they remade A New Hope for a new generation, and it held the movie back in areas, but I still liked it and I understand the decision, so I’ll give it a pass. Here, maybe they felt the need to wean themselves off of main-line Star Wars. What I really want is true standalone stories from far-flung parts of the galaxy. Maybe we’ll eventually get that.