Show Ideas and Reminders

Among Us review


I know Rym made some mixtapes back in the day.

I made extremely finely-tuned mixtapes. I had a whole library of them. Usually I beatmixed or otherwise linked every song together into a full “album” on a single “track.”

They are all lost to space, time, and an old dead hard drive. I believe I have the playlists somewhere, and could theoretically re-create them…


This is 46:15 and is clearly the second half of a mix. It’s probably circa 2001.

I can not find the first half for the life of me. The break was so I could get it on a tape or a CD.

I want to recommend a watch of X-Men: The Animated Series as it fits a little too well with our current Presidential term but only as whole. Hmm. I wonder if there is a way to make it work with their typical format.

Also, to explain how it fits for those who have yet to see it, as some folks here are babies, the first episode starts with a government agency putting kids in cages due to their differences and the last episode has Xavier being shot on television by a political figure for being a mutant, leading to worldwide protests, which themselves lead to violence by police against mutants due to mishandlings of protests, and culminating in the episode ending with Magneto’s viewpoints being proven to be correct. That only works as a whole, however, as many episodes are stinkers, though anyone who hates Jubilee is probably doing so for misogynistic/racist reasons rather than anything valid.

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Episode Ideas:

  • Contact Tracing.
  • Kitchen Gadgets (Everything that’s not covered by appliances)

SD week

  • Monday: cards
  • Wednesday: art

Pretty sure you still need to do an episode on The Breadwinner.

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Your favorite things of 2020:
Favorite: Movie, Game, TV Series, Book (lol…) Piece of tech, dinner, fave episode of GK, fave new thing you did this year, fave moment of 2020.

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Show ideas (apologies if any of these are in the archive or already suggested)

Attack on Titan final thoughts (once final episode airs)

Record of Lodoss War (maybe as it relates to D&D)

Vampire the Masquerade 5E

Acquisitions Incorporated

Excited delirium (ketamine use by first responders)

Geek tour of NYC (for post pandemic world)

Bluetooth headphones (AirPods)

Dark horse vs Marvel Star Wars comics


I work physical security and there was a recent issue about some of the guards not checking a part of the building because it had not been used since March of last year due to COVID-19. This got me to thinking, would it be possible to do a Thursday show about how working from home has or has not affected you?

I would find it interesting, since as an essential worker, I had to continue going to work for the past year.


We did talk about Working from Home back in 2018. I wonder if anything we said would change today…

Decorating, decorations:

Painting, carpeting, wallpaper, shelves, plants etc.

Quoting myself since Book Four (which drops April 15) is the final confirmed season.

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Books/shows//games/movies that one of you wants to do a show on and the other doesn’t. Discuss why and why not.


The Moms Show.

fifteen mothers

I low-key want to get our moms on the show. But it would have to be both of them at the same time.

The other way to go is it’s me and Scott’s mom, and then Scott and my mom. I interview Scott’s mom about him, and Scott interviews my mom about me.


When you mentioned that, I also though it would have to be both moms.

And then I thought of a show I actually wanted more, and that’s both girlfriends.


What would be super fun, to me personally, would be to get someone to interview people who know us or have worked with us, about us. I’ve love to get the deep cuts.

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