Do you work for a company with multiple office buildings? If so, they may have a warehouse of used desks that could be decent and cheap, which a manager may know how to acquire. It’s typically something they only share when they have a major surplus but is usually always a thing. Every company I’ve worked at with multiple buildings in the same area had one, though usually when the downside of needing to pick it up myself.
I do work with a company with multiple office buildings but they are very BYOW when it comes to things. I am in the only “normal” office where my desk is not potentially lost by someone else claiming it. Although there is an office surplus store I have never been to before around me by a half hour…may investigate when the restrictions are lifted.
Anyone know where I can get round plastic tote lids? Everyone just has those rectangular ones.
You’re looking for a trashcan lid, at that point.
A lid for what kind of tote? I don’t understand.
It’s also a genercizied name for those plastic crates you can stick stuff in, as far as I’m aware, I figure they mean those. Since I’ve definitely never heard of a lid on a tote bag.
I mean, like specifically which one. A useful lid has to be pretty close to the exact right size.
Also true, that would be helpful information. They do try to make them not compatible a frustrating amount of the time - we use them in the embroidery shop, and a crate that looks identical to another, but their lids are not interchangeable, is almost an everyday occurrence.
A 32" diameter round container, if that helps.
@thewhaleshark We were discussing the old goatse tshirt in the Discord. Do you still own that?
We all know that experiment where there’s a lever that gives a prize some of the time and how that’s addictive. So how come we don’t have addictive food that tastes good every third mouthful?
Because sugar is already physically addictive so all you have to do is add a bit of sugar.
THE FIRST AMENDMENT, as told in August 2006(!) by Apreche.
I found it again a while back and was surprised because I was quite certain I had gotten rid of it.
I don’t recall if I actually got rid of it the second time, but I will check tonight and provide evidence if I find it.
Just remember you very literally asked for this.
15 characters of Ha ha thanks
Fun facts - Not actually true. The original paper that found that was never able to be replicated, and basically completely fell apart under review. Turns out that the reason they observed addictive behavior was a combination of essentially putting the rats on a fast(well, for a rat), and intermittent availability of highly palatable food - so basically, they were hungry, and they gave them something tasty, and when they gorged themselves on the tasty thing, but didn’t gorge themselves on the less tasty thing, they mistook that for addiction, rather than bad experimental design.
For ACTUALLY physically addictive substances, rats will do stuff like ignore electrical shocks and other pain stimulus to get more, which they don’t do with non-addictive substances like sugar.
Alas, the goatse shirt is dead.
It’s for the best. At least it lives on in our hearts.
X-post celebrity deaths thread.
I still remember the exact moment. I don’t remember if I said it or someone else said it. But the exact words said that changed everything were:
“My favorite band is Goatse.”