Random Questions

They’re pretty nice, but a little overpriced. Do you need all that? There are tons of mobos to choose from. I’m sure you can find a good one easily.

Admittedly I don’t play top-of-the-line AAA titles on my computer as much as I’d like, so probably not. Any recommendations?

You only need a highend MOBO if you’re going to be utilizing the slots and special features they have, otherwise its fine to go mid to low tier from a reputable manufacturer.

Do you have an overall build target price?
What CPU are you going with?
What storage solution are you going for (SSD & HDD, multiple Small SSD, 1-2 large SSD?)

  1. Like $1200?
  2. I wanted to stick with my Devil’s Canyon i7 but if I’m upgrading other stuff might as well upgrade the CPU. I like intel but I’m open to i7 equivalents.
  3. Already have two 1TB HDDs but I’d like an SSD for the OS.

And I’m buying a new GPU because I think mine’s done. I’m thinking another GTX 980.

2 sata HDDs and possibly an SSD doesn’t sound like too much stuff going on so as long as your MOBO is compatible. Id just go with logical increments suggestions:

@rym what is the knob that you are using for editing?

For FNPL, it was Victor.


How many books have you read?

I think I have read… 700.

According to Goodreads I’ve read 136. There’s probably another 100 from elementary/middle school that aren’t logged on there.

Good reads says 269, which is a good minimum. it’s probably closer to 300ish.

That can go way higher depending on what you could as a book.

I have no idea, I’ve never tried to count, and I’ve no real reliable way to figure it out.

Edit- I though to check my kindle for books, since I’ve almost never deleted books from it, and I’ve got over 1k titles read on there. So we can say at least a thousand, not including all the physical books I’ve read before I got my kindle, or the ones I’ve read since.

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I am approaching the time to get a new pair of head phones for my home office, looking for an over the ear design, anyone have a good recommendation?

I mean… there’s like a billion to choose from depending on specific wants/needs. I have maybe 6 different sets of headphones in my home office depending on what I want, tho I’ve kindof settled on one pair of daily drivers but I don’t recommend anyone go get a pair (https://vokyl.io/) unless you’re game for possibly waiting a bit.

I seem to remember a lot of similar discussion on the headphones/earbuds/etc thread might be a place to start? Or if you have a specific set of uses and wants and budget there might be some ways to narrow down the field.

Follow that guide


Hi all I am thinking about getting rid of the desk I am using since it is causing me major headaches. Does anyone have any recommendations on an L shaped desk that can get into a corner of the room?

Follow that guide

Thanks for the guide that helped me out a bunch.

Do you want expensive high quality desk you will have for the rest of your life made out of awesome wood or do you want cheapo IKEA desk that will get the job done? I shopped for desks somewhat recently, and there honestly weren’t very many mid-range options.

At this point I am willing to go ikea if need be. Main reason is that this desk was an “executive” desk bought at staples that was meant to be seen on all four side. Because of this whenever I need to route wires I have almost no options outside of potentially having a large chunk of wood fall on my neck as I fish it from the underside to the gap from the wall.

Yeah, I notice that on a lot of desks. My desk is technically a table.

I had a Jarvis bamboo (aka Uplift) desk at work for about two years, and bought one for myself that I’ve had for about four. It is excellent. It does everything I want and nothing I don’t.

I know they have an L-shaped one, but I’ve never used it: