The summary is of course exactly enough to remind me of what came before.
I remember
The summary is of course exactly enough to remind me of what came before.
I remember
I have to do some extra math on this but according to my Kindle page counts it takes almost 300 pages to get to the Battle of Golgotterath.
I have no idea what pages are what. I just finished chapter 8 which means I am 23% finished. Base on what I just read, if there’s a battle of Golgotterath, it’s coming real soon.
The arcs of men become scranc.
“Use the KNIFE!”
I know that the forum’s attitude towards spoilers is whatever. I didn’t want to spoil too much and I forgot about the easy “hidden” feature. I am on the mobile app right now.
Edit note: Tried to get the hidden feature to work and I kept messing it up. Sorry
Summary of the final march of the Great Ordeal.
wait ponyo is in the book!? immediately buys and reads (;
Summary of the final march of the Great Ordeal.
Just finished chapter sixteen. It was OFF THE HOOK. If you are waiting for the good shit to happen, that’s how far you need to read.
Chapter 17. Dat inverse fire.
It’s just one payoff after another. O M G
Done. Appendix time.
What did I see?
Bakker has done a Reddit AMA on r/fantasy and also answered a lot of questions on the Second Apocalypse forum (his username is Cu’jara Cin’moi)
Just finished The Unholy Consult last night and I’m shook. I didn’t realize the last quarter of the ebook was back matter or that there was a third series coming.
Edit: Bakker is interesting in that he hates and fears the fucked up world he made because it’s a reflection of the way he fears our world really is. Horrible things happen but you’re never supposed to think it’s cool or fun: the characters who thrive are are almost uniformly monsters or delusional.
Like, grimdark but not in a way that glorifies the grim darkness of it all.
So much of Prince of Nothing is about people trying (and, largely failing) to impose a just vision on an unjust and arbitrary world.
Which is why I like them so much.
45% through The Unholy Consult and its really not doing it for me. Is it worth pushing through to the end?
When shit starts going down, it really goes down.
Also, 45% according to the kindle counter? The book ends at like 70% I think. The rest was appendices.
It’s like four chapters too long of meat.
There should have been one meat chapter, tops.
Ah. Good to know. Maybe it just feels such a drag because a keep thinking about how much is left over.