Bestow your wisdom upon us.
Grapefruit is bullshit.
But I don’t expect you to understand that.
Hey guys it’s pretty great being White straight Cis Male. Don’t tell anybody. You folks should try it sometime.
But sometimes I do feel a bit milk toast.
I stand by grapefruit being the height of bullshit.
To everyone else, I promise, #notallcishets have such a shitty grasp of language.
I am not straight and I will now point that out, because that seems like a pretty normal thing to do for someone in every other privileged group in the universe.
Orange Juice is awesome.
Umm… I like puppies.
I prefer flour tortillas. I’m sorry…
Flour tortillas are the best
They’re just so gosh darn soft!!
I like their texture mostly. My thing is I love the taste of corn tortillas but I’m not crazy about the texture.
Also, people who make burritos or wraps and don’t heat the tortilla first are savages. Like 15 seconds on the burner is all I’m asking.
Corn is king. Grapefruit is battery acid. Green is best color.
Green is both the best color and the most delicious hot sauce.
This is objective truth.
Thread topic left out Christian/Conservative. And I know for a fact the lot of you are liberal socialist heathens. Lock thread.