Where do I post the dicks?
Found the Nazi in here
When I’m condescending it’s strictly because I think you’re an idiot.
I’m to brown to join.
I’m white, cis, and I think hetero (attracted to people who identify as a woman). Grapefruit and corn are king. Green is a good salsa color.
Corn is best as soup. Grapefruit works best with alcohol.
Bojack Horseman is overrated as hell.
I’m pretty sure my opinion is the most important and needs to be heard and I think Grapefruit is besto.
Any of you guys listen to Hip Hop? I hear tell Drake spits that “Real Shit”
I’m sorry, this is the white cishet thread. We can only render opinions on Our music - primarily polka, along with some European folk music. And of course, all flavors of metal.
People put craisins in too much shit.
Y’all have literally the most boring fucking opinions, my god.
What is the Whitest Form of Metal? Progressive Metal, Christain Metal, or Swedish Death Metal?
Rap Metal, obviously.
It’s got everything: double appropriation, it (was) on the radio, it sucks, the big ones are all Republicans now. The total package.
I like cheese.
Also, grapefruit is totally fine.
I’m a white male, age 18-49, everyone listens to me, no matter how dumb my suggestions are.
Oh, and yea, I agree; Grapefruit sucks.
We need to get to Whiter food opinions.
Mayonnaise is great. It’s the best condiment because it has the most utility in other recipes than any other condiment.
I’m voting christian metal. Like somehow that screams WHITE PEOPLE more than the others.
Okay, but if you want to go EVEN WHITER its Miracle Whip. Goddamn white people love them some miracle whip.
Mayonnaise is definitely a top tier condiment, probably in the same tier as hot sauce. Also, you can mix it with hot sauce to get great results!
That said, the type of mayo is important:
- Japanese mayo (e.g. Kewpie) is good stuff.
- A lot of cheaper mayo just tastes like sugary crap.
- Decent whole egg mayo is pretty good, e.g. this:
I’ve made the conversion over to sriracha mayo. It makes every sandwich 10-15% more zesty.