PAX Unplugged 2019

I’m not looking for prizes or to keep the cards, just didn’t know if you needed any help covering costs. If however you actually plan to keep and use the boosters for the draft then your no cost price makes sense.

I actually have a bunch of sealed M:tG boosters from a few years back. Enough for a draft by a few people. I’ll let you know which ones they are later if you remind me.

I have a box of Unstable. We could do some sort of weird fucked-up chaos draft.

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I believe radman has a specific plan since the conspiracy boosters have draft mechanics on the cards themselves as they are drafted that trigger.

Oh I know. I’m just spitballing.

I’m also open to chaos draft, those are fun as hell. I might have another booster box, I think it’s Eldritch Moon Shadows Over Innistrad . Depending on how many people we get we might have enough for a pure conspiracy and chaos draft.

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Schedule is live

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I’ve been slacking and haven’t gotten a hotel yet. Is anyone open to splitting a room?

I haven’t even decided if I wanted to go yet, having someone to split the hotel bill with would seal the deal for me.

Threes the magic number this year, three of my friends are coming from improbable distances to stay over at my house to attend Pax Unplugged.

Verrry interested in playing Vampire.

I picked up a reprint of a game based off a certain Frank Herbert book I wouldn’t mind learning how to play…


It’s good, even with the bog standard rules.

This is a general PAX news, but I’ll just post it in the thread for the next PAX, since that will have the most visibility.

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So whats the deal with the Discord for meeting up to play games? I may have less availability now that I have 4 first timers hanging onto me this con, but I am 1000% committed to the MTG draft game we’ve been talking about.

The GeekNights Discord is here:

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Just a heads up I have begun the scheduling and player wrangling discussion in the discord to avoid clogging up this thread

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I have been assign to the late shift in classic cardboard.


I suppose I should also mention I will be looking to playtest my tarot-based trick taking RPG I’ve been working on over the past year. The PAX home site mentions an LFG function on the app…which I do not see. Does anyone have any experience with the freeplay area? Do I just show up and place my name on a list/pick up an LFG cone? any advice is much appreciated.

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