
Sadly, hero pools are now basically gone completely except for pros.

But still props to the team for being very willing to make sometimes radical changes to the game over time. It’s still one of the better in-game communities out there.

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I fell all the way down to Bronze in Tank by committing 100% to solo rando queue.

This is my story.

I single-handedly won a game for my team. We had a DPS leaver. I literally got all the gold medals (Roadhogging). The other team accused me of smurfing.



So, I watched this video from front to back. I can agree with some of the things said (e.g. emphasis on balancing to the highest skill players), but overall that video is pretty preposterous whining by someone who really doesn’t understand anything about game design, which he himself admits.

The biggest problem Overwatch had was not starting out with role-lock. It should have included that for at least competitive when it started. Having fixed positions is something basically every game goes through eventually when it has more than two players per side (and sometimes even with only two) and Overwatch should have just started with it, which would have probably caused it to build up a more evenly spread playerbase and not caused the queueing issue when role-lock was introduced.

However, the lack of this doesn’t mean the game was dead from the outset either. Some of the other things listed are outright idiotic, such as complaints about nerfs to Orisa and Sigma, who are still very much meta and I don’t think they ever left or where nerfed into unplayability, and his mentioning about how they “harrassed” xQc out of the community, when the guy always was a complete shitshow and was never going to work out anyhow.

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Yeah, wasn’t that guy suspended from the game for Abusing the reporting system, Throwing competitive games on stream, and getting reported by his own comp teammates for being an abusive shit? As well as being suspended from the Leauge twice, and kicked out of the leauge, first for homophobic remarks when an openly gay player beat him, and the second time for racism(which also got him kicked off the team.)

Yeah. xQc is a piece of shit. His community is just as bad, if not worse.

I am not that familiar with the guy, but he was indeed suspended for using homophobic language in regard to an openly gay player. He was again suspended from the league when he used a general twitch emote that has some racist connotations when he entered the twitch chat for the OWL broadcast and a black presenter was onscreen. I think there was some less than charitable reading involved in the second incident, but the situation was ambiguous and he didn’t exactly deserve the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think he was explicitly kicked out of the league, but his organization dropped him and nobody else bothered to try it again with him, for good reason I might add.

I have no idea why he is so popular on twitch. He’s probably entertaining to the same types of people who like racist jokes and car crashes.

He’s actually still a player for the LA Gladiators Contenders team. And he’s popular because edgy kids love someone who shrieks at the camera and is toxic to the people he plays with.

This would really shake things up:

I was watching some people testing the changes. Shields from anyone who isn’t Reinhardt are made of paper. Better used for quickly covering space than for holding a position.

I don’t watch any Overwatch. Does widowmaker get used by the pros much?

All the time and will likely see even more play with there being less shield up-time if these changes go live.

This is good for me. I am a solid Reinhardt, and he’s now by far the beefiest shield in the game.

Interesting. The last I played was probably 3 years ago. And my memory is that she was almost a never-pick at high levels.

Seemed very weird to me that a hitscan sniper in an FPS was so low usage. What changed?

The meta moved away from GOAT with triple tank, so there are a lot more opportunities for a Widow pick.

Pretty much what Rym said.

During GOATs meta, health pools were so large and there was so much healing available, it just wasn’t practical to try and get burst kills. Everything was attrition.

Seems like Overwatch 2 is coming and Overwatch 1 will be F2P.

Will 1 die as a result of 2? Will 1 be harmed by an influx of F2P players? We’ll soon see.

Thankfully 2 is going after a much broader and largely separate audience from 1. I think it will be healthy for the entire ecosystem.

If anything, more people will get decent at it by playing 2, and may start to play more seriously/competitively. It could be like a “minor league” of PvE content.

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Haha. When I tank, I usually do Rein/Dva/Zarya/Roadhog. Orisa situationally. Winston extremely situationally.

But the hamster… That’s my desperation tank.