
I can’t handle the thinking Hamster requires. I’m pretty much always D. Va, Rein, Orisa, or Sigma.

I used to be super into Overwatch. I also used to be big into Overwatch League even with its redheaded stepchild status at times. Then Blizzard turned out to be a hive of excrement and I haven’t played the game since.

Overwatch 2 is coming out in a couple of weeks. I do not care at all. However, it is somewhat hilarious to me that Blizzard is trying to force people to care. And that is by nuking the Overwatch 1 servers a day before Overwatch 2 is even out:

I really think they’re making a bad play in trying to pretend OW2 is a new game and not just a glorified balance patch.

I am now really confused about what is going on with Overwatch 2, so they are completely killing one. Do we have to buy 2 or does it just covert over?

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Honestly at this point I’m not even entirely convinced Blizzard knows.

The biggest change is that Overwatch 2 is no longer strictly a fair competitive game. They are moving to the same pay to win-ish model as League of Legends where not all characters are unlocked for all players at all times.

The developers seem to be aware of the competitive implications. They have specifically said they have made changes in Overwatch 2 so that it is much less of a rock/paper/scissors situation than Overwatch 1. In theory, not having every character unlocked should be much less of a competitive disadvantage than it would have been in 1. That doesn’t mean it’s not an advantage at all. I’m not really qualified to say. It’s just what I’ve read.

It is also possible to unlock the characters by grinding, and not just by paying. That’s good, but how much grinding will be necessary? How often will they release new characters that will make players start the grind over again?

We can debate again whether this actually counts as pay to win or not. What’s indisputable is that this is a very significant change for the worse.

OW2 will be “free to play”, but there is a “founders pack” that gives you some skins and coins and shit.

Other than that, everything you have from 1 carries over, so you’ll be able to use your offensively Austrailian Junkrat skins just the same

Anyone manage to get on Overwatch 2 yet?

It’s overwatch 1 with a few reworks and balance changes. Battlepass sucks, but it is what it is.

1 tank meta speeds up the game by limiting barriers.

Mercy still mid.

Edited to add: The reworks are basically about a 70% rework of Orisa, 50 to 60% rework of Doomfist, and 90% rework of Bastion, plus some small but significant changes like removing Cassidy’s stun grenade, and a whole pile of patch-level stuff like Anna’s biotic grenade having a shorter duration and cooldown and her gun getting ammo, Zarya’s barriers working on a charge system, and Rein getting a second firestrike charge.

Once it’s available I do plan to get friends into OW via the PvE, but for me alone I have zero interest in it.

I played a ton of 2 during the closed beta and it was fantastic from a competitive esports standpoint.

If you want a PVE shooter, just play Destiny 2.

I’m mostly playing Tank, and in this new comp structure I’m not bad.

D.Va or Orisa by default. Zarya situationally. But I can do any of them in a pinch.

Also TIL Sym’s laser doesn’t eat ammo from shields anymore =(

My friend group and I have been playing Overwatch 2 recently, and I’ve been really enjoying the game and the changes made to it.

I played Overwatch 1 a year ago with friends, and while it was enjoyable, as any game is with friends, it had ultimately left a sour taste in my mouth. I guess I stopped playing before role queue was introduced, and upon meeting it for the first time, I really didn’t like it, despite listening to all of Rym’s praises for it. I remember my main gripe was the low number of champions for tank and healer, especially when compared to the dps role. Which leads to the further problem of those two roles feeling really samey within themselves. For example, as Ana, I really wanted to be a part of the fight, dealing damage beyond my grenade, but I could never justify spending any amount of time doing anything but healing the tanks. And at a certain point, I would get bored of it, want to switch to a dps, but I can’t.

By comparison, Overwatch 2 feels really good. As a healer, with only one tank, there is less to heal and more time to actually deal damage, to the point where I am actively trying to fight and juggle healing at the same time, which feels a lot more fun. As a tank, with each tank getting buffed and there being only one, you truly feel like a tank, the strongest person out on the battlefield, and is the one who really controls the flow of the engagement. I don’t really play dps a lot, but after my recent play session focusing on it to improve, it always feels good to frag with a couple of well placed shots, and the sheer diversity of champions has always been the role’s selling point.

My only issue with Overwatch 2 is that it’s weirdly prescriptive about showing your stats. For example, the scoreboard for your match disappears the moment the play of the game ends, with no way to look at it past that. To view your own personal stats for that match, you have to dig through like 4 menus, and that data is deleted the moment you leave the game. Like, I understand the best way to figure out your mistakes is to watch your replay, but I find it really weird that the game is going through such efforts to hide your performance data. Like, all they’re doing is putting that data behind a $5 per month paywall for a screen reader, I don’t get it. Like sure, never tell me I played bad, only show me my ranked wins, if I lose, it must be because of my team, cause I know I did good.

As for PvE, I’m curious about how they will change it, because I recall from the past PvE events, it was fun for like the first time through, but it quickly became less engaging the more you played it.

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Hasn’t for a while; that update dates back to OW1.

With fewer barrier-first strategies, it does seem that D. Va’s coming out on top, tank-wise.

I’m maining D.Va and I get POTG in every single match =P

Whenever I see discussion of D.Va my mind inexorably goes to one of my favorite of early fighters:

That the printed-fabric Lozenge camo, could be a cool skin inspiration for the Overwatch character.

D. Va’s always been semi-credibly accused as a “Press Q for POTG” hero like Junk and Bastion.

Dva, Junk, and Rein can easily be the “caused the Team Kill that got/saved point” POTG with a single well-timed ult.

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PVE being dead is a pretty sad thing.