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I am so in for that.

No games for me until after Anime Los Angeles. Too much to do. :frowning:

I won’t be back to a computer that can properly handle Overwatch until the 21st. The withdrawal is killing me.

This is so wonderful.


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Of course, Ana’s the only one awake/alive at the end of it.

Battle Zen again! But we lost :frowning:

Wait, what? “You should focus more on heals”

Oh. Widow. Feel free to join me healing then.

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Should have told her in game.
However if this was competitive that is some stupidity right there on the part of the 4 stack.

Sniper mains tend to have no self-awareness unless they’re super amazing awesome.

Hahaha yeah, sniper mains, always super out of touch with the game, am I right guys?

I play widow a lot ;_;

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Here’s how to tell if you’re an out of touch sniper main:

Your current team comp is Ana, Hanzo, Torb, Bastion, and Symetra. You’re on attack. How many more snipers does your team need?

If your answer is not “We need a fucking tank and a real healer, also why do we have a Sym on attack”, you’re a Bad Widow Main.

[quote=“Neito, post:31, topic:291”]
Ana, Hanzo, Torb, Bastion, and Symetra. You’re on attack.
[/quote]Very spicy lineup.

Genjo might make a good 6th.

Hey, I’m a pretty damn good attack Sym. That being said, I will switch out if it’s not a good Sym situation.

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Wait Ana is a real healer, she does it better than Lucio or Mercy or Zenyatta. AOE heals, debuffs, darts and cross map healing for life.

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This. Ana is currently the best healer. I can easily solo heal a team if they’re are not stupid and keep (mostly) together. Though I keep running into Hanzo and Widow at the same time, at which point I just leave. I like to actually try to win.

I don’t mind the Widow or Hanzo as long as they realise when they’re being destroyed and switch to another character rather than suicidally not having any effect on the game.

I would recommend letting people do the weird picks at initial picks, they may only play these particular characters and unless you’re on a pro team in a pro match it won’t matter, forcing them to play something they’re bad at may induce rage or just very bad play.

A match I once played, I was told by the team to go Reinhardt instead of Dva, I did so and it wasn’t working because at the time I hadn’t had much experience. I switched back to Dva and got 4 golds across all 3 rounds.

Play competitive and most of these problems go away if you’re good enough to at least be playing golds.

The road to gold is a distant dream at this point.

I was playing in competitive for the above game with gold and platinum players.

I recently had a couple bad nights in a row and fell about 350 SR. Apparently that was the difference between salty / greifing / no communication players and competent players with mics with occasional friendly banter. Outliers still happen from time to time though.

A common excuse players give for not switching seems to be that they have gold damage or eliminations. I wonder if it would help to weight the stats in some way. Like a junkrat or pharah can have gold damage and be accomplishing virtually nothing and a sniper or flanking DPS can have gold eliminations but not actually be doing much to break up the enemy line.