Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality)

Are they called Facebook Rifts now?

Sounds like a brand of fart

Facebook announced their new VR hardware, the Oculus Quest 2. I was thinking that many people would accept the Facebook login if Facebook is able to blow the competition out of the water with their next hardware iteration. Personally, Iā€™m willing to wait to see what Valve brings out before considering getting a VR headset.

I found this video helpful for figuring out the current state of the VR market, as I didnā€™t even know about the Valve Index until the Facebook login news came out.


If you want the Index you need to get in line a month ago, or now, now is the second best time.

I put in my reservation on June 3rd, Valve says itā€™ll be 4+ more weeks before Iā€™ll get to the front of the line.

Slight update, Iā€™ve gotten to prompt to pay for the Index and it should be getting shipped in a week or so.

June 3rd to (probably) Oct 3rd, 4ish months?

I just pulled the trigger on a Valve Index. In addition to games that either support or are solely for VR, does anyone have an recommendations of VR ā€œexperiencesā€ that I should be looking at? Years ago, the only previous VR tech I have owned was a Samsung phone + Occulus headset it plugged into and I recall a variety of free or demo titles that I wouldnā€™t think of as games, either you were passive except for looking around or the interaction options you had were very limited as they were designed to demonstrate the immersion of VR. Do such things exist for the PC / Steam?

Related, is there another source for content I should consider beyond Steam to locate and manage content for an Index?

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There are a bunch of things like that on Steam. Iā€™ll have to dig out the list of ones Iā€™ve tried that were interesting.

There are a number of ā€œmusic videosā€ that are just radical geometric musical experiences that are unique.

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Props to Luke for the meme format.

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I donā€™t see it as much of a change as a Meta account login will be needed - tomato/tomato (no difference).