Objectification of Women in Modern Media

It might sound strange, but I wish it were only women. The fact is so many of these discussion about anime fan culture comes down “wait, how old is she?” It’s about the sexual depiction of children, or the infantilisation of women to look as close to children as possible.


I get what you’re saying, but there’s a phenomenon (especially in the last few years) to refer to women and girls as “females” to objectify them, so titling the thread like that really defeats the point of what most people are saying in here.

Would “Women and AFAB” more correctly capture the spirit? The genesis was a discussion of AFAB boobs and butts, which are often but not exclusively a feature of women.

Potentially but in media NBs are so rarely represented (and when they are it’s not sexualized) that I think it’s uniquely a women’s issue.

I wasn’t saying that as an argument against the thread title. More like “the thread title doesn’t come close to why I don’t google this stuff”.

Like now should I look up AFAB? Is that an anime fandom term I’m going to regret?

I did, because my first attempt at figuring it out went “all f____ are bad” hmmm yeah probably doesn’t come from acab so let’s google.

It’s just Assigned Female At Birth.

Assigned Female At Birth. It’s a queers thing not an anime thing.

EDIT oh and NB is Non-Binary, also not an anime thing.


I imagine the planning meetings around topics for the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games series were very similar to this thread.



Holy fuck, I thought I was the only one who thought that.

Needs a sequel comic where they do a gender reveal party and the baby shoots the mom when she pulls out a cake knife


I’m trying to make some kind of like cop conversion therapy being just removing the boot from the cops mouth but I’m not sure if these ingredients combine to form an actual joke.

Keep trying, Naoza.

Yeah maybe let’s not make a joke out of conversion therapy in a thread ostensibly about issues of minority representation.


Females is, in my experience, from an HR/Gov’t/Military setting as a “safe” way to refer to a collective group of women (with males being used for men).

TIL, but also colloquially “females” tends to get used by misogynists to refer to women in the context of dating.

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Yeah I immediately picture an incel type. It just comes across as dehumanizing.

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The female/literally any other way of referring to a woman or women was for me, a great thing. It taught me that I really could change my language.

When I first learned that the term was dehumanizing I was annoyed, it was a term I used. I even complained about it here.

I’ve since changed my tune. I’ve stopped using both female and male to actually refer to people.

I’ve had trouble with other words like consistently using they/them pronouns when asked to, I thought that’d never become subconscious, the fact that I could stop using female (and also male just sorta happened at the same time) meant that I could use any language I wanted if I just put some effort in, and that eventually I wouldn’t even have to think about it.