Objectification of Women in Modern Media

Context is everything Scott. This is a playable character. The dynamic is totally different from just posting art.

Stop caring? Helped me a lot when I realized most folks are like you and just assume and judge and to just not give a shit.


That’s why a naked scene during a show is ok because nobody is going to ever see that without also having seen the context.

Since that character design is on the cover of the game, anyone it makes uncomfortable isn’t going to get that context unless they play it, which they won’t.

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I already addressed the problematic promotional art in Utena. Don’t try to dodge that bullet.

Then don’t fucking play it if it makes you uncomfortable, but don’t judge people for liking something you know next to nothing about.

Anyway I gotta stop here cause I’m craving a cigarette something awful and I need to take my mind off it,

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Hey, I’m just joining in the popcorn discussion.

It’s fine if you don’t care that you’re being judged. But I am judging you. I don’t care that I’m judging you either, but it’s not going to stop. I don’t feel comfortable with imagery where there have to be disclaimers about how this “isn’t technically sexist” or “well actually not underage” or “me looking at Lolita imagery is fine”. I’m not going to google it to see how close any particular example gets to any particular line. That’s your position, and I judge you for it.

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I’m judging character designs with tit windows and absurdly short skirts on the cover of Japanese video games. This doesn’t seem like a hard one.

Just so I can be clear, loli is gross. This is gothic lolita fashion which is a different thing:


Also you’re a judgemental willfully ignorant twit.


FWIW the particular character in question has the body of an adult woman, she just wears… highly stylized clothing influenced Victorian-era English fashion.

I tried already and got snark and an “idgaf or care to find out” don’t bother.

You’re missing the point. He doesn’t care. Yes, it’s true. Lolita fasion has nothing to do with actual pedophiles like from the novel Lolita. That has nothing do with this character design being problematic.

Scott, does sexy = problematic to you? You live in NYC, you see all kinds of shit all the time. If you saw someone on the street wearing that with no other context what would you think?


I keep saying I’m judgmental. I keep saying I’m keeping myself willfully ignorant.

You’re saying these things as if they are an insult. They are not an insult. They are what I’ve decided to do.

This doesn’t make me a twit. This comes from 25 years of existing on the internet. Judging people with anime avatars means I don’t expose myself to stuff that weirds me out. Not googling stuff that’s mentioned and following links means I don’t need to worry about looking at stuff that weirds me out.


I’d think they were a model doing a photo shoot, or a cosplayer, or they were filming a movie. And I would also think that whatever movie they were in, or thing they were photo shooting for, or thing they were cosplaying as, is gross and I got nothing to do with it.

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Nice erasure of personal agency


They are insults, please take them as such. Lack of curiosity and not informing yourself about even the basic concepts and then turning around and making assumptions and judgements represents the worst of anti-intellectualism. It describes a Trump voter or brexit supporter.

Someone who is mad about people saying video game characters with tit windows are problematic are gomergate adjacent, and are trump and brexit supporters. So…

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I don’t know why but I feel the urge to apologize. We’re pretty far away from how this whole thing started and I feel like I’ve started something way bigger than the scope of what I was trying to say.

Sorry about that.

Puritanical attitudes toward body/sexual expression and representation is also a mark of conservative thinking :wink:


I’m just gonna say I walked away and game back to this thread and when I hit Scott’s image of the 2B statue I scrolled past as fast as I physically could spin the mouse wheel because I’m at work and not trying to talk to HR about making a hostile work environment.


I’m looking on my personal device but if someone tried to say that image was hostile they’d have to call an ambulance when I hit my head from being so utterly floored. What kind of prudes do you people work for?