Now That Donald Trump Has Lost

This gave me cancer of the eyes.


Here’s his official mugshot:

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Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Just remember that they brought Al Capone down on taxes. However it’s done is how it needs to be done.


Okay, here’s a good time.

He’s also banned from participating in New York business for 3 years.


His attempt to delay this was also denied today. He’s in deep shit.


I’m just hoping this is very beneficial for New York State. Fill our coffers.

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It’s a non-trivial amount of cash.

Oh boy, more news!

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~$454 million is a great amount of money for him and his organization. It is also an amount of money that significant and great things can be done with by the city and/or State. However, just for context the annual budget for the State of New York is $129.3 billion for FY25 and New York City’s budget is $114 billion.

I haven’t been keeping up too much with the Trump news for my mental health - if he’s up against Biden later in the year in normal circumstances I think he’d take the win. In short; are his election chances fucked now? A Yes/No/‘Percentage chance of being fucked’ is the level I’m requesting.

It’d be nice not to have to worry about this one.

In short; are his election chances fucked now? A Yes/No/‘Percentage chance of being fucked’ is the level I’m requesting.

Too early to say for sure, there’s a lot of time between now and November and a lot of things that can occur to shift the narrative. Nothing is certain one way or the other and there is likely no one silver bullet that ensures victory or defeat for either candidate. Every thing matters when added to the aggregate. IMO, the key is not to look for things that will make the hardcore Republican voters stop supporting him but rather how much enthusiasm drop there is and mostly how much “swing voters” (or whatever you want to call them) decide that as much as they are not excited about either candidate that it is worth affirmatively choosing the one who does not represent such blatant self-serving and anti-democratic purposes.

*Edit: also, what happens with abortion developments. The more news items occur like the recent Alabama State court decision that IVF embryos are persons and the more individuals in states are affected by the increasingly insane abortion restrictions the more independent voters will be motivated to vote against Republicans.

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