Notable Deaths

I met her once on a field trip. There’s little I recall about the trip but, of what I do recall, she was very kind and approachable to us in a way I hadn’t expected for someone who led the life she had.

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Whoever runs needs to make an update.

Edit: Finally updated and very good.

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I’m surprised the NYT even laid it on this thick:

used cunning, ambition and intellect to remake American power relationships with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, sometimes trampling on democratic values to do so,


Top marks to The Rolling Stone


In actually sad news, Shane MacGowan of The Pogues has passed away.

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His work is fucking bleak. But well written and polished and feels real.

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Ah, fuck. I’m gonna miss that gravely bastard. I made it through at least two Drama assignments about Noir by basically reading everything through the lens of the growl he used for Max Payne’s internal asides.

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Game Designer Bryan Ansell, one of the fathers of Warhammer, has passed away at the age of 68.

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RIP Jennell Jaquays

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