Nazis marching in America


Have never in my life felt as much righteous schadenfreude as I have while watching the Alex Jones syndicate absolutely implode in court. It has been magnificent.


And also this…

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You can’t make this shit up.

I do wonder where all this insanely racist and homophobic book banning shit will end. Will it fade into moral panic history like the satanic panic of the 90s, or does it portend something more dire? Thus far, things only seem to only be getting more and more extreme. The Nazis show no signs of backing down.

It’s moving faster and faster into a cold civil war. We’re going to see most red states aggressively accelerating this kind of terror, while most blue states aggressively protect these freedoms.

The federal government is paralyzed due to the anti-democratic nature of the Senate and can’t take action.

get worse before it gets better

Nazis can’t even stand up to old ladies in wheelchairs.

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Someone finally explains what the hell Kanye West is doing

Absolutely not.

He has a long history of denying basic facts; he repeats anti-black and antisemitic talking points.

There’s too much to unpick. ‘The black voice’, ‘jewish money’, ‘jewish media’.

A lot of what Kanye says detracts from the many protests that came out of the BLM movement.

Considering how many people were harmed during those protests due to the police brutality, the very point of the protests, Kanye has never done anything to add to those voices against the police.

He infact denies the facts of the matter and discredits the arguments made for BLM. I won’t share what he has said, you can look that up.

Why would he a black man, attack a movement that serves to protect all black men?

If you haven’t heard this point made already, it’s ego.

Invalidating racism serves to prove how great his accomplishments are, because ‘racism doesn’t exist’. Everything he has achieved is because he is great. Everyone who speaks up about racism is clearly making an excuse for themselves.

If we to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is making the argument that, there’s hypocrisy in free speech and he’s trying to reclaim that speech via ‘WLM shirts’.

He doesn’t call out the racism associated with people who use WLM. I don’t think he has ever actually been publicly supportive of the BLM movement. Maybe someone can prove me wrong.

As far as I can see, Kanye’s argument’s are only ever about him, and how he feels personally attacked.

He fucks around and finds out, then flails in antisemitism.

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Fuck Kanye. He should retire and seek help.

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Just in case anyone still thinks Kanye isn’t a piece of shit.

Jewish Lives Matter shared a post on Instagram: "@kanyewest goes on Alex Jones show and spews  pure hatred. He says “I see good things about Hitler”“I like Hitler” “They (Nazis) did good things too, we’ve got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time”....


You know someone is truly awful when Alex Jones tries to back away from the vile statements they are making.