Movie News

Why would they show “Sonic the Hedgehog” to those poor kids?


If Pikachu is really fucked up and dark I would watch that. Blade Runner Pikachu.

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So Hulu’s going to be even more worthless than it’s already become?

Funny I actually spend a lot of time watching Hulu for it’s anime selection.

it’s also got pretty much every TV series Netflix doesn’t have

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It looks like I may have missed my chance to see this in theaters, which is a shame because it looks incredible:

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Taika Waititi is directing a live-action Akira movie. He is a good director. I liked “What We do in the Shadows” and I loved Thor: Ragnarok, though I understand that opinions on the later can strongly diverge. I am also unsure whether he is a good fit, and I kind of strongly disagree that a live-action Akira film is even needed at all, but then again I was pleasantly surprised with the Alita movie.

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Hey… I didn’t know that Hulu doesn’t work outside US and I recommended a few shows of anime to my friend who lives in UK. He tried using Hulu but it didn’t work. Should I just tell him to go and download it from other mediums?

Also, I read a blog and it suggested me to use a vpn. But a lot of vpns are banned by Hulu.

Any other way around?

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The headline is a bit hype, it simply means that writers/creators have the option to essentially resell the rights to whomever they want. So one of 3 things will happen in each case:

1.The movie studio doesn’t care, the rights return back to the writer. Writer may or may not sell them to another studio if one is interested.
2. The movie studio does care, but doesn’t want to pay again. Since they get a notification ahead of time they are able to rush into production one last film with the rights and then let the rights go back without re-optioning or if that film suddenly does major business they now have a good reason to buy the rights back.
3. The studio has good cause/belief in the value of the property moving forward for themselves or at least so that the competition doesn’t suddenly control a studio’s iconic character, they re-negotiate with the writer and the writer gets a check and the status quo is maintained.

Honestly the overwhelming majority are going to be in 1s and 3s. There will be notable 2s where another studio thinks its worth the money the current studio doesnt and makes it. Some will bomb, one or 2 will be successful beyond reason (maybe), but as an exception.

The Dolly Parton Cinematic Universe is a go.

Can’t find the thread where we talked about Disney fighting to keep competitors off of screens. We mentioned there’s a rule that they can’t own theaters directly.


Assuming this passes, does that mean indie films just cease to be screened outside film festivals?maybe if someone like Sony runs their own theaters they might have an indie division, but when they have all the cards they can enforce some seriously predatory practices.

But yeah, there is literally no social benefit the change provides, it would exclusively be to give more power to entertainment conglomerates.

Sign me the fuck up for this.


Christopher Nolan is my #1 guy. Can’t wait.