Miscellaneous Music Thread (Include a Description with your Embedded YouTube)

haha…what? An interesting song, Ozzy usually has a lot of remorseful themes in his music but I wonder if this is a bid to recover his image or just more music.


American folk music? yes
Macabre American folk music? hell yes
Historical macabre American music? fuck yes


Found out about this project called Electronicos Fantasticos where they just take old consumer electronics and make very creative musical instruments out of them.


Found this one while scrolling through Twitter of El Wada playing music with barcodes.

Tabby has put some fun tracks out before and this new one is bouncy and I got it in my head:


Someone somewhere (probably here) linked me to a twitter post which made me giggle (and google a app I hadn’t heard of) but I also was really feelin’ the mashup so I hunted it down and it’s been what I’ve been listening to.


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Aw hell yeah



I’m branching out into the lesser populated districts of Future Funkytown.

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You can FINALLY buy Love Songs for the Apocalypse along with 22 previously unreleased Johnny Hobo recordings.


I think I may just like meme music.


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There’s something about a lot of soft japanese music that has this asmr quality that I really like, I’ve been hunting song I have around to make a playlist with these qualities.


Two people I already am a big fan of collab on a mini-album.

Big mood.

got to see Mega Ran and Sammus’ panel at PAX, they’re awesome panelists and their music rocks



It’s not live on all the platforms yet, but two of my singles are being released on streaming services.

Something I’ve started doing again is actually buy music on physical CDs, mostly because I don’t want to buy stuff off of amazon if I don’t have to, and some things you can’t find on other platforms like Bandcamp (and I want to own my music and put it on my phone and other platforms without conditions, so no Spotify for me). So on monday I was at my local CD place to pick up some more releases.

Being already in the store I dug through the bargain bin and on a whim picked up some classic albums. One of which was Tom Petty’s “Full Moon Fever”. I liked Petty well enough but never got out to buy any actual album of his, but this one had a couple of really big hits (Free Fallin’, Won’t Back Down and Running Down a Dream). However, the song I want to talk about is “Apartment Song” which weirdly connected me as I am sitting here working from home due to the CoViD-19 precautions.


Welcome to the club

My favorite NYC subway buskers dropped a new track today.

Also, Bandcamp has waived their fees temporarily, so now is the time for all your money to go to the actual artists.

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Listen to more Number Girl

We could all do with some Andrew WK these days


Gonna be honest, was disappointed when that wasn’t this.