"Metal" is the best thread title here

Tesseract is looking to finish up album number five year and then hit the road in the United States, according to vocalist Daniel Tompkins in a recent episode of the Kscope Podcast.

I did see Dream Theater in an actual seated theater, but prog is a weird animal anyway.


Anyone who moshes to Dream Theater is automatically a giant nerd and needs to promptly find their nearest locker.

I’ll mosh to Vaporwave before I moshed to Prog.

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Ok the first Batushka album was immense and awesome Eastern Orthodox Black Metal.

Finally got around to trying the new one by the legit Batushka (Aka the band was so orthodox they had a schism.)

Full stop. This melts my face. Instant favorite.


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Happy new Opeth day





Fifteen characters of pro

How the fuck has nobody else posted this yet?


I’ve been listening to Tool constantly for the past week and I’m now at maximum pretentious bullshit, so I’m all set to be completely let down while still maintaining an unearned sense of superiority in my musical taste.


I’ve been reminded 3 times that there is new Tool, yet every single time I go to Spotify and want to know what to listen to, I completely forget. I am correcting this presently.

New tool borders too much on dad rock.

I’m okay with this. The new track does feel like they pulled parts from their previous works. There was also an article that Maynard and the band didn’t record this together. And the band would have to wait long stretches of time on Maynard to send his recordings to them.

Sounds like Tool. If you slipped it in the middle of another Tool album, I might not even realize it.

That’s a good way to put it. Which I’m okay with. More of the same is fine if you are going into it knowing this.

I appreciate when a metal band has a signature sound and they stick to those guns while also making more content. Like I like X, give me more X. Some bands by the other token drift in musical style with the winds and whims of one or two people who have every right to explore but then go through some rough periods. Darkthrone, love me some Darkthrone, but the whole middle catalog may as well not exist and their recent stuff is only barely on the register of what I consider something worthy of listening to, and frankly only trades on name alone.

If the new Tool sounds like old tool and only gets listened to because of name alone, but is less good than what they had done before, that’s one thing. If it is still really good and worth listening to regardless of who made it, but still sounds like the same 'ol Tool… I won’t complain at all. Not everyone has to go outside their lane. They won’t devalue the place in history of Aenima or Lateralus as a result.

Meanwhile for an example of “sounds like their old stuff but less good and maybe wouldn’t be worth attention but for the fact is is the original band” is At the Drive In. Their new album, totally listenable. Sounds like ATDI. Not as good as their early stuff, has a few deviations that don’t hold up. If it wasn’t actually made by the ATDI guys I wouldn’t bother with it at all, and no-one else would have.

For another example of “this immediately sounds like X, and it is X, and it’s the best X in a while”, I invite you surrender unto the new Gatecreeper:
