Media Analysis and Criticism

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I remember watching The Killer and Hard Boiled on bootleg VHS tapes I bought in Chinatown. They were like nothing I had ever seen before. Like a ballet with bullets.

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Saberspark has started a new channel dedicated to video game editorials, and his debut video on the channel is an in-depth on the history and corruption of the mobile game market.

He also has a collaborator who made a few other (very short) videos for the channel. I’d recommend checking those out as well.


An even longer and even more in-depth history of Caramelldansen

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So, I just found this guy named NationSquid who is doing reviews of Microsoft’s older versions of Windows and providing historical perspectives of why they were successes or failures.

There’s a few more, but I don’t want to make this post way too big.


kaptainkristian awakens from his slumber.

Super Eyepatch Wolf is back with another “Bizarre Modern Reality” video!

A couple of weeks removed from its 30th anniversary, TheCrazyEven does a review of White Knuckle Scorin’, an extremely strange album that Nintendo approved as a tie-in to Super Mario World, even though it only had one original song and the rest was just a slapped-together playlist from the MCA Records catalogue. The album also had a small booklet which contained a Mario comic that was meant to forcefully namedrop each song without rhyme or reason. (The comic is also hilariously horny.) Even reviews both the comic and all the songs provided on the album, as well as provides whatever slapdash research he could find about each band and the comic’s artists.

He also compiled a playlist if you’re interested in hearing the songs.

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Lindsay Ellis has quit YouTube. Here is her (free) Patreon post explaining her decision.

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Who? (I just looked them up).

I think there needs to be some new corollary to the Streisand effect. In the Streisand effect someone tries to hide/block/censor some content or information they don’t want spreading because they believe it will harm them. The attempt to block actually draws attention to what they were trying to hide, and they are harmed more.

In this situation we have a person I never heard of. They were already hidden. There was a drama that they hoped to remedy by quitting. However, the act of quitting resulted in discovery. Now I know who they are and what the deal is. That wouldn’t have happened if they quietly just kept going about their business, remedied the drama properly, quit quietly, or took most other courses of action besides quitting loudly.

Unlike the Streisand effect which should encourage people to just let things be and not attempt cover-ups, this related effect encourages people to quit loudly. They’re still quitting, but they can get a huge boost of attention for their next endeavor.

I still don’t know what is going on.

I just searched Google news for “Lindsay Ellis”.

The post is only for Patreon subscribers.

I don’t even know what “simping” is, and if this is internet outrage where I have to learn a whole new raft of jargon, I’m not sure I can be bothered!

I don’t know who this Ethan is, but anyone who talks like that is definitely a bad person.

See, I don’t even know enough about internet outrage to understand who are the good people and who are the bad people. That was the first tweet Google showed me when I searched for “Lindsay Ellis”.

However, the name rang a bell, and it turns out I read a novel she wrote! Or I started to read it, at least. It’s filed away in my “didn’t-finish” shelf on Goodreads:

"I only got about a quarter of the way into this. I never felt it was going to get anything more than 2 stars from me. It didn’t grab me, and felt like a not-great outcome from a first-time author.

I might have pushed through if the audiobook narration had been good, but it was pretty rough. Loads of weird… pauses at… strange moments in every. Sentence. It was continually annoying and made listening a chore.

Life is short. There are much better books I want to get to. And so: request exchange on Audible and on to Harrow the Ninth."

Spoiler: I didn’t finish Harrow the Ninth either.